She bowed her head and turned around to leave

"Wait" said Kouha

"yes your highness?" said the maid turning around

"Do you know why my brother sent for her?" he asked

"No your majesty i'm sorry" she replied before turning around and leaving.

"Ugh i wonder what my brother might want now" groaned Kouha as you got up

"I don't know but i should probably go check" you said brushing off your dress.

"Aw man alright fine" complained Kouha getting up as well "C'mon then, off we go" he said grabbing your hand and leading the way.


Kouha knocked on the door to Kouen's office twice before entering.

"Kouha you're here too, perfect" said Kouen

"Good evening lord Kouen" you said politely 

"Good evening princess" he answered

"Kouen why'd you call us?" asked Kouha

"Ah well due to the fact that (Y/N) was kidnapped we're sending her back to Goundi" he said simply

There was a moment of silence. Not the happy or comfortable silence, no this was a harsh cold silence that shot through you in multiple different places.

"What?" you finally managed to say

"Yes we will be sending you back" said Kouen again

You felt your legs go weak, as you fell on your knees on the cold floor.

"Wait what?!" Kouha had a frightened look on his face mixed with rage and pain.

"Are you telling me the weddings off?!" he yelled

"Oh no Kouha of course not we will only be sending her for a couple of days" said Kouen 

You felt your heart star beating again as the weight was lifted off your shoulders.

"Oh my god Kouen! you can't do that you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Kouha heaved out

"For how long my lord?" you asked shakily getting off the floor

"About three days, then you will return and have the wedding here in the Kou empire" he said

"Oh thank god" you said closing your eyes in relief.


"Do ou have everything?" asked Kouha as he came to see you off.

"Yes i think so" you replied happily

"Okay, i'll miss you" he said poking your nose playfully 

"I'll miss you too" you said giving him a little kiss on lips before climbing into the carriage.


'I'm so bored! what am i supposed to do until i get there?! Goundi is a days trip away, how can i pass time? can i talk to someone? but there's no one to talk to the maid that came with me is so serious, she never talks to me, ugh i'm so bored!'

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