I switched off to the next piece of information that was withheld from me. Wolfgang Von Strucker.

Strucker. Why did that sound so familiar?

I decided to do a simple search on him, googling his name. A picture popped up, sending me to the ground in surprise. I sat back up on my chair, looking at the screen closer.

"You can't run from us," A man's voice rang out through my head as I shut my eyes. "Because now, we found you."

I rubbed my head in annoyance, knowing I had heard the voice before. But why did this one sound so near? I hadn't hallucinated or heard voices in a while... Wow, that sounds really sad and crazy.

The sound of boots shuffled behind me. I looked back in a daze, thinking it would just be one of the Avengers, but boy was I wrong.

A man with a clean shaved head stood in the middle of the room, along with two men behind him dressed in all black. They had guns on their sides, and I could tell that they had shown up ready for a fight. I looked back at the man in the middle, looking at his odd electronic eyeglass. I sent out a spark of electricity, sending the two men behind him down to the ground - successfully knocked out.

"Neat trick. But I have come prepared," The man, Wolfgang Von Strucker, said with a new fire in his voice. I raised an eyebrow when nobody else came out to attack me. What tricks?

Strucker held up his hands, grabbing my neck and holding me in a choke hold. I tried zapping at his gloved hands, but it didn't do anything - he didn't even quiver as I sent shocks.

Rubber gloves.

I reached for his face to send out a set of shocks, but only a wisp of electricity came out, sending right for his head. Blood rushed down the side of his face. All that would do is leave a scar.

"JARVIS," I rasped out, hoping they hadn't shut down his defense system.

"I'm sorry miss, but I don't think your little A.I. will be coming to save you," Strucker seethed, staring up at me in his held grip, tightening his fingers around my neck. I scratched at his rubber gloves one last time in a hopeful attempt to make him release me, but it failed as my eyes shut and darkness surrounded me.


A metallic smell filled the air, waking me up with a cough. I grunted at the cough that sent my throat in pain. Where am I?

I looked around in the dim lighting. A bed laid to my left looking horribly uncomfortable. And to my right was cell doors.

I combed my hair back into a ponytail, holding it with an elastic band. I searched my jean pockets for my phone but sighed when all I had was a paperclip bent into a P S and a heart. I groaned, bending the paperclip into a straight line, heading for the bars of the cell that I was held in. All I needed was a lock and I could run away free. I combed the bars with my hands, finding a key indent.

The door opened with a thundering screech. Alarms suddenly sounded off, red lights flashing across the hallway in warning. Without a moment of hesitation, I sped down the hall, running into the wall that I had thought was farther from me. I backed up, massaging my forehead in confusion.

A thudding of boots hitting the ground brought me out of my confused state. I raced down the hallway, running into another wall. I punched the wall in annoyance, quickly regretting it as a sharp pain flashed through my arm. "Ow," I mumbled, trying to keep my voice low. That was ridiculously stupid.

I needed to stop and think. How did I know that I was running away from bad people? They could be good for all I knew. I stayed in the hallway, ready to face whoever was coming at me - for better or worse.

A rushing of guard looking people came down the hallway with grim faces. The man in the middle wore a white lab coat and had an electronic glass piece in front if one of his eyes. What I found most interesting was the bloody scar on the side of his face.

"Who are you?" I asked shuffling back. For some reason, something in the back of my mind was telling me that he was a good guy - that he was here to help me. I decided to trust my conscious.

"Wolfgang Von Strucker. And what is your name, sweetie?" The man asked, walking up closer, setting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

I frowned at his question, looking down at my bare feet. "I don't know," I said, looking back up at the man who wore a bright, sympathetic smile.

The above GIF was me stress eating about this chapter and the ones to come. Get ready kiddos and thank you to the following people.


thank you amelia for inspiring me and such, the talk we had really brightened me up and made me excited about writing again.


thank you ash for publishing, because it really motivated me to publish too


thank you tia for commenting a whole fucking lot - really made my spirits high and made me wanna post again cause I live for your comments


thank you beth for helping me out with my previous chapter and for being one of my best friends





(this beautiful weird cinnamon roll)

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(this beautiful weird cinnamon roll)

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