11. Spider-Boy

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Were gonna say this chapter takes place in late August because I want her to go to school soon. Once I'm finished with this book I'll edit it so the timeline makes more sense. Sorry!****


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Knock! Knock! Knock!

The big brown door was swung open all the way, revealing a woman dressed in a cop uniform. The cop had blonde - almost white in the light - hair, she was holding a little redhead girl on her hip. The little girl seemed to hold a sassy attitude at the way her hand was on her hip and her lips were pursed, looking me up and down. I clutched the handles of my suitcases, nervous since I hadn't done this in awhile. I missed my dad, I just hope he wins custody of me, and soon.

"You must be Skylar Stark. Well come on in sweetie." The woman said with a bright smile. Even with the smile, the uniform was still unsettling. I nod my head, not bothering to return a smile and walked in with the social worker right behind me. I was surprised the cop lived in a brownstone house, those houses are fairly expensive especially in Manhattan.

"You came at a good time. One of the kids just left." The police women tells me. I nod my head. I was in a daze. I didn't think I would ever be going to a foster home again. This just tells me, I need to stop expecting good things to happen to me. It seems as soon as something good happens, it's ripped away from me as quick as it came.

The woman begins to go over my profile, the police officer just nods and steals a few glances at me. Her ears seem to perk up once we got to my police report.

"- Vandalism, underage driving, stealing." The social worker listed off. The woman's eyes got big and looked over to me.

"Oops?" I questioned with a nervous smile. She wasn't smiling.

"None of that will be tolerated under my roof, do you understand?" The woman commands with a stern glare. I was surprised she allowed me in the house. Usually kids with a police record go to a specific type of group home, a group home with other kids that have done crimes.

"Yes ma'am." I tell her and nod my head along so she gets the message.

"You'll have group on Tuesdays. And I'll be back in a two weeks to see how your settling in." The social worker, Anna Jacobs tells me.

"Thanks. I'll be attending MidTown School of Science and Technology right? Because that's where I was supposed to go before you took me away from my dad." I asked Anna with a raised eyebrow. Mrs. Jacobs had been my social worker for five years. My last two social workers couldn't find me a home because I was a little devil, so now it was Anna's turn. She rolls her eyes at the tone of my voice. I have a right to be angry, don't I?

"Watch the attitude. It took a lot of pushing to even get you in this house. And hopefully you'll be adopted, placed into a better family." Anna tells me calmly. She doesn't know Tony. Tony was the best family I could have and now she wants to find another for me. Well time to put the devil back on my shoulder.

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