36. The Start Of Bad News

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I looked down at my phone, catching a glimpse of Tony on the screen

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I looked down at my phone, catching a glimpse of Tony on the screen. I switched my bag of groceries to one hand and pressed accept on my phone. "Hey, pops, what's up?"

"Hey, Sky. Just wondering how your first day at Riverdale went." I smiled at the thought of my new friends.

"Surprisingly, it was pretty good. I made three friends. Oh, and they're coming over tonight to work on an English project. Is that okay?" I asked, biting my lip. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Uh, I don't know. I was planning on catching up with you and Pepper -" Tony started before I interrupted with a twist in my gut.

"Pepper? I thought she was on a business trip in Florida or something?" I trudged along the sidewalk, my grocery bags suddenly feeling heavier in my hand.

"It was California, and you know usually business trips come to an end at some point," Tony sassed. I mocked a laugh into the phone. "I know Pepper's not your real mom, but-"

"You're not planning on asking this lady to marry you anytime soon, are you?"

"Skylar, all I'm asking is for you to be nice to her," Tony tried again, ignoring my previous question. I shuffled the phone onto my shoulder, setting the bags into both of my hands.

"Hey, I just asked you a question, mister. Are you planning on marrying her?" I wasn't happy, sad, or mad. I just felt bad for Pepper.

How can a woman handle a man that is continually flirting with women behind his back? - and maybe even in front of her.

I love my Dad and everything, but that man isn't too good at relationships.

Tony stumbled with his words on the other side of the line before saying a short goodbye. I huffed, placing my phone back in my pocket. "Did he seriously just hang up on me?"


The elevator opened up to the main floor, yelling and shouting inviting me into my home. What the hell is happening now?

I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter. The voices grew clearer as I ventured in closer to the living room

"-Loki's staff-"

"-Hydra-" My throat tightened. What the hell were they talking about?


I couldn't stand there any longer, grasping only little pieces of what I assumed must be a big puzzle.

I walked into the living room. The Avengers heads turned toward me -All of the Avengers.

A smile crossed my face at the sight of flaming red hair. "Natasha!" I shouted excitedly, running up to give her a tight hug. She seemed hesitant at first but quickly hugged me just as tightly. "Gosh, I was wondering when you'd be back. Living with a whole bunch of annoying dudes that won't get off your back isn't the most fun way to live."Natasha grinned, sharing a knowing look.

The Breeze [Tony Starks Daughter]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz