9. My mom is a bitch...

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Skylar Stark's P

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Skylar Stark's P.O.V.

"Jarvis? Do you know who my mom is?" I ask looking up at my ceiling in thought as I lay on my uncomfortable bed. Even after about a month, I hadn't gotten used to my bed. One more week and I would be on a plane to New York City and I couldn't wait. I had tried talking to Peter but he was always "busy", which was code for: I don't want to tell you. He was my best friend and we never lied to each other, I guess never was too long.

"That is information I can't not divulge. I'm sorry miss, Mr. Stark's orders." Jarvis informs me quietly in his British accent. I sit up straight in protest banging my fist on my bed. Why are there so many secrets lately?

"But Jar, you never listen to Dad." I whine. Jarvis has always helped me out, he's even lied to Tony for me. I thought the A.I. was rooting for me, guess not.

"I'm sorry miss, not this time." Jarvis says ending the "mom conversation". Why will nobody tell me?

"Is Dad and Pepper asleep?" I ask.

"They fell asleep on the couch in the living room. Is this helpful miss?" Jarvis wonders.

"Very." Is all I say as a huge smirk grows across my face. I slip on my blue slippers and walk out of my room. I tiptoe quietly down the sleek wooden stairs and see Tony and Pepper sleeping on the couch together. I walk quietly by them careful to not make a sound. Tony moves a little making me freeze halfway, but he goes back to sleep.

My feet carry me over to Tony's room soundlessly and I open the door. Maybe I could find some clues in his room? That's where people keep the thing they're trying to hide right? But also, Tony's not people, he's a secretive billionaire. I open Tony's bedside drawers and immediately wish I hadn't. He had a 36 pack of condoms and it was almost empty. Something I definitely didn't want to know. I forced myself to push the puke back down my throat. I closed his drawer quietly and decided to check his closet.

I crawled down on the floor to check the bottom shelves of his walk in closet. I pulled out my Stark phone for a flashlight and shined it around but saw nothing but a lot of dress shoes.

"Hey little spy, whatcha doing?" Tony asked with his eyebrows raised. I jumped scared out of my mind. I wish I would have told Jarvis to warn me when he was coming, to late now. Tony pulled me up by my arms and looked me in the eye waiting for a response.

"Umm... I was looking for umm a.... my a... phone?" I say in question.

"You lost the phone that's in your hand?" Tony asked full on suspicious. I look down at my phone forgetting that I was using it for a flashlight.

"Well I just found it, obviously." I say looking back at him nodding my head.

"Obviously. So what was it doing in my closet?" He asks smirking knowing he caught me.

"Shit." I whisper in frustration.

"Shit is right. So what were you really doing, kiddo?" He asks guiding me out of his closet to sit on his bed. Stupid me and not being a better spy.

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