38. All I Want Is Honesty

Start from the beginning

Maybe I wouldn't get in trouble after all.

The elevator doors opened, revealing a super soldier walking out of the hallway. He gave a patriotic smile as his eyes landed on me. "Wow. You stayed home, and you actually didn't get into trouble," Steve commented seemingly fascinated at what he thought was my success.

My eyes widened, and I frowned. "Yeah, no trouble here," I mumbled. "I just stayed at the tower in a loathing rage."

Steve frowned unpatriotically. "You shouldn't be to mad at your father. He's just protecting you in the only way he knows how to."

I nodded with a nonhumorous chuckle, grabbing an apple from the table. "Yes, by lying to me." I bit down into the apple, making a satisfying crunch noise. The Captain let out a sigh, knowing he wouldn't be able to change my mind.

"Oh, by the way, Clint got injured. Just thought I let you know - he should be fine though," Steve said disinterestedly as he stared out the window looking at the sky of the city.

I squinted my eyes at the popsicle. "Oh and did that just slip your mind?" I asked, rolling my eyes before taking off to the infirmary room where I had stayed a few nights before.

As I got out of the elevator, I saw Bruce heading into the infirmary while Tony passed him making some sarcastic, snarky comment. "Look alive JARVIS; it's play time. We got a couple of days with this joystick so let's make the most of it," Tony said, walking into one of his many labs. I looked around his lab quickly, looking for something out of place that he could be referring to. My eyes zeroed in on a gold and silver scepter with a blue stone glowing brightly. My head tilted to the side as a wave of curiosity rolled over me, shaking my core. I walked up to the scepter, planning to touch the stone, but before I could my hand was swatted away.

"No touch," Tony said, narrowing his eyes down at me.

"I'm glad to see your vocabulary has expanded," I replied snarkily, leaving the lab and stepping up to the infirmary, ignoring Tony's attempts to call me back.

Clint was laid on a bench being repaired by some technology. I walked up to the tech, ignoring Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and the doctor. Another wave of curiosity hit me, and I couldn't resist analyzing the object to figure out what it was doing. A wave of blue light hit Clint's stomach from the sphere around him. I smiled brightly. "Y-You're legit creating tissue. You're using nano-molecular functions. Right? And the cells, they're bonding with simulacrum?"

I was so amazed as I looked up at the doctor. I was too stunned at the brilliantness of the machine that was recreating tissue onto Clint that I didn't even notice everyone was staring at me. "Yeah, that's right... I'm Helen Cho. What's your name?" The Doctor asked, holding a hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand. "Skylar Stark," I said as I examined the device once more. I glanced back over at Helen when she hadn't said anything else. She seemed stunned for a moment with wide eyes.

I hated that whenever I spoke my name, people would suddenly act differently or sometimes even freak out. Ignoring the doctor and the equipment I greeted the rest of the Avengers with a smile.

"God you're such a nerd," Clint groaned, gaining only a worried look from me. I knew that he would be fine and that the simulacrum would help fix up his situation, but I couldn't help but be worried for him. "Don't look at me like that. I am fine, Sky. Just a scratch," Clint reassured, grabbing my hand and giving a tight squeeze.

"What even happened out there? The Clint I know wouldn't have got hit. He would have seen whatever was coming at him within a mile away," I said, sitting down on a stool by Clint's bedside.

Clint flashed a look at Natasha and Bruce for a quick millisecond, but I caught it. "What?" I asked, looking at each person in the room, eyes landing on Bruce. He was the easiest to crack. "Spit it out, Bruce."

Bruce looked at the two assassins before facing, nervously cleaning his glasses as he took a step back from me. "W-Were not sure if Tony wants us to tell you..." Bruce trailed off, making eye contact with me.

Why did everyone keep secrets from me? Because I was a kid? Well, they ought to know that I am the least kid like a kid has ever been. The things I've been through, the things I've seen. And all I asked for after all the troubles I have been through is pure honesty. Just plain old honesty. But I guess that was hard to come by with a whole bunch of lying roommates. But after all this time of being pushed over and just having to deal with the fact that I would never be a part of the group because I was a kid, well, I was done with it. "You know what? I'm so done. I'm done with all of this. The way I'm treated around here is ridiculous. I am not a kid anymore; I have never truly been a kid. And it's time for all of you to accept that. I'm not some little girl that you can hide your sorry ass secrets from. Gods, I'm so done." I let it all out, all the ranting I had been hiding within myself, everything that I was feeling, it was all out on the table. And all I felt was utterly done - almost a numbness to everything. "So if you guys wanna speak up and tell me what the hell is going on - go ahead."

I looked around the room, spotting Tony and Steve at the doorway, no doubt hearing everything. My hands sparkled with unseeable electricity of utter rage, familiarly prickling my skin. Tony had his head bowed, staring at the tiled floor of the infirmary. Steve stared straight at me, crossing his arms over his chest. "She deserves to know," Steve muttered, pinching his lips together.

"And that's not your call to make," Tony said, turning to Steve, also crossing his arms.

I scoffed, my eyes drifting to the ground as I kicked the floor. I looked back up at the two men who stared each other down with annoyance. A smirk pulled across my lips.

Without a glance back at the Avengers, I left the Tower with my Breeze suit.

So, your horrible author is back with another long overdue chapter. Please don't kill me yet... I'm not done with the story.

So... I don't really have many excuses for not writing except I'm just a shitty person that didn't really feel like she could write.

IDK. I was having some troubles getting into the groove of writing. It just hasn't been as fun as it used to - now with a bigger audience, I feel a lot of pressure which makes me procrastinate more and yeah I don't know. It's a lot for my anxiety to handle - but that obviously doesn't mean I'll be walking away from the story, I just hope it gets more fun to write it soon.

IDK if you guys understood any of that but oh well...

on another note, a sad note, i have watched infinity war twice with utter sadness in my heart. no spoilers in the comments please but lets all grieve for our losses together.


As Always,



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