Those four words are all it takes for him to go back to himself, and leave this dreamland where he begs me to kiss him. He yanks his hands away from mine, as If I have just burnt him, and steps away from me. His mouth is set into a grim line and his eyes are guarded. He begins to walk towards his car, not speaking or looking at me. I stand in the same place, lost and confused, and still feel the placement of his arms around me. What just happened?

Bradley turns around to face me. "Do you want to go or not?" He snaps at me, before continuing his angry walk to his car. I watch as he jumps into the driver's seat, the Bradley that opens doors for me is long gone. I don't answer him, instead I just walk to the passenger's seat quietly and climb in. I'm not an easily intimidated person, but I'd be lying if I said that this rude, angry Bradley doesn't scare me.

As soon as I climb in, before I buckle my seat belt, Brad shoots out from the curb and sends the car zooming down the narrow road.

I may be a pushover when it comes to dealing with everything else, but I take driving very seriously. Especially when the driver is just plain rude and irritable. Bradley's teeth are gritted as if he's thinking of something incredibly uncomfortable and his knuckles grip the wheel tighter.

He swerves the car to the right, to avoid a tree branch that has fallen from someone's yard, and at the speed we are driving on, Bradley loses control of the car. It jerks and swivels down the street as Bradley tries to gain control over it again. My eyes widen in horror as the car starts tipping at top speed, down a hill that I didn't even know existed. Bradley stomps on the brakes repeatedly but they no longer work.

He looks at me with fear as we fly down the steep hill. I look at him with the same fear because my heart is in my stomach. This is his fault. If he hadn't been going at one hundred miles per hour, this would not be happening. We both hold our breath as the car goes faster still, skipping over boulders and rocks. A huge tree comes into my vision and I immediately know what will happen.

Tears prick my eyes as the tree becomes clearer to my eyes, every passing second. This is how it will happen. This is how we will die. Fuel stinks in my nostrils and smoke fogs my eyes. I can hear the blades of the engine overheating. Bradley and I, with our feelings, and our kisses, and our ranting, and even the mess that is our relationship will crash into that tree and die. I won't go to college, I won't see Daliah and Connor again, and I won't see my family again. No matter what my family does to me, I love them. I may not admit this to anyone but I do. I wish they were around more in the past, and even now. I haven't seen my brother in a week, and my parents in two months. Most of my family's infractions may have come from the past, but you can't dwell on the past, I know now. You have to move on to the future.

The future that I won't have.

My hands shake with anticipation and my heart hammers in my chest. Bumbum bumbum bumbum. A sob escapes my lips as I see that the tree is now right in front of us. There are so many people I could blame right now, but I won't. I will not spend my last minute cussing people out. I look over at Bradley instead, and he is shaking. He knows what will become of us aswell.

I memorize everything about him in a few short seconds. His chocolaty brown hair and eyes. His fashion sense. His temper. His rude side. His sweet side. His lips.

I close my eyes and a small tear squeezes through and wets my cheek. "I really like you." I whisper to him and feel, rather than see, his fear-filled eyes burn holes into the side of my face.

"Really Sadizabeth?" He croaks, as I feel the impact of the car crash into the tree. Glass from the windshield flies everywhere. I can already feel trickles of blood oozing from my face. The impact of the car knocks me forward and I fly onto the dashboard. Broken glass stings my body everywhere and I gasp out in pain.

I barely have time to stand up before a heavy branch falls from the top of the tree and hits me squarely on the back of my head. My vision fogs and I feel myself slipping from consciousness. Everything goes black, but before I fall into unconsciousness, I hear something, that is almost a whisper.

"I'm so sorry that all I do is hurt you." I hear Bradley rasp before the world goes dark, and sucks me into its darkness.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

I wake up in a familiar room, but I can't quite place where it is. A sterile smell fills my nostrils and my eyes focus on the bleak, white walls of the room. I recognize the place to be a hospital of some sort.

I look to my left and see a man that looks to be twenty-five, staring at me. I almost ask what his problem is, when he turns to look over his shoulder.

"She's awake." He whispers. I turn to where he's looking and am surprised to find that there is a group of people standing by the wall, all gazing at me.

There is a girl with chestnut-colored hair and blood-shot hazel eyes. Her hair is in an unstylish messy bun and her mascara is smudged down her cheeks. There is a boy with blonde, slightly spiky hair and light blue eyes. I don't miss the way that their hands are locked in unison.

They must be married.

There is also a slightly older boy, with dirty blonde hair and glossy, blue eyes.

Then there is one other boy. He looks particularly stricken. His chocolaty brown hair is bedraggled and his flat, brown eyes have dark circles under them. His black t-shirt highlights his toned muscles but his shaking hands are clasped together in front of him. His gaze on me is particularly intense. He looks sad and guilty, and just... defeated.

It feels like I know this boy. It feels like somewhere in another universe, I knew him.

But I don't know him. The wheels of my brain are turning and producing smoke, but I can't remember him. Did I ever even know him?

"Sady?" The hazel eyed girl whispers. She bites her nails in a panicky way.

Sady? Who is Sady?

I'm sure that my eyes project my confusion because I don't know her, or these people, or Sady.

"Sae?" She sobs loudly. "Sady, it's me."

"Who are you?" I ask her. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as I try to make sense of all of this. What is going on?

She looks like she is about to scream and the three boys are quiet and solemn. "It's me Daliah. Y-your best friend." She squeaks.

Best friend? I don't understand. I look up at her, preparing to ask more questions, but she looks so broken right now. I want to pity her but I can't ignore the questions ringing in my head.

What is happening? Who are these people? Why do they look so sad? Who is Sady?

Who am I?

A/N: Oh snap

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