Lost Cat

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Goldy woke up from his sleep earlier than usual, normally he'd wake up around seven am or sleep in whenever he feels like it since there's nothing to do cause well- He's a cat but the bad feeling in his gut prevented him from having a good rest. He then turned his green cat eyes towards you, sleeping peacefully in the comforts of your blanket but a frown was cast upon your face.

What could she be dreaming about?

He thought but shrug it off anyway since it's just a dream. Seeing how there's barely any light outside he assumed that it's around 4:30, still pretty early for anyone to be up at this hour except for adults who needs to go to work and sleep deprived teenagers who just got off their phone. Goldy decided to wonder around town for a bit as to clear his mind off of things especially the incoming invasion. He won't lie, it's worrisome to think that four powerful aliens coming to earth to destroy a kid who just so happens to possess a power watch, sure Boboiboy may have defeated them once but considering how they all teamed up to destroy him and possibly his friends, it's gonna cause them some major problems. And from the looks of it, other than Boboiboy you were viewed as a massive threat too since Adudu did mention you from the message yesterday.

"I told you we should have erased his memory but you never listen to me you dumb girl" He whisper shouted at your sleeping face, he may be an asshole at times but he didn't want to wake you from your sleep since you've been through a lot lately and you needed a well deserved sleep.

"I'm gonna head out Y/n I'll be fine" He knows you can't hear it anyway but still took the time to tell you, he thought that telling you he was doing ok will put you at ease but truth be told... It was actually to put himself at ease, he was convincing himself that it'll all be alright.

Everything will be alright... He hope it would.

Setting the thought aside he walked towards the unlocked window, opened it quietly as to not wake you up. The stars and the moon were slowly disappearing, the color of abyss was slowly transitioning to the color of blue with a hint of red and orange indicating the sun is soon to rise, a new day of summer had blossom. He takes a look of you one last time through the window before heading to who knows where.

• • • • •

It was now 8:30 in the morning, Goldy was still out and you have just woken up. It took some time to adjust to your surroundings but when you did you realised that Goldy wasn't in the room with you, you know he's an early cat and he usually has breakfast at 6:30 before coming back to your room to sleep again but seeing how he's not here worried you to bits. You attempted to calm your nerves down thinking that he was probably at the backyard climbing a tree, or probably just at the living room watching bug girl and cat boy again.

"I'm overthinking things, calm down... Boboiboy is gonna protect cat anyway if there's a problem" You advised yourself though you weren't too convinced with what you are saying right now. "Relax Y/n they haven't arrived yet and I hope they don't. Today's just gonna be normal, nobody's gonna die and we'll all live happily ever after"

But you still weren't at ease, there was a bad feeling in your stomach and it was making you anxious, very very anxious. You hopped out of your bed and hurriedly head down the stairs even though your hair was disheveled but you couldn't care about your looks right now. In the kitchen was the food your mom prepared for you before heading to work but Goldy wasn't in sight. The house was eerily quiet and you find it unsettling and very disturbing.

"I really hope he's not at the clearing or at the shop right now" You wouldn't mind if he hung out there if only there isn't four powerful aliens coming for Boboiboy and his friends.

"God damn it cat why do you have to make it so difficult for me?!" You shouted, annoyed and worried at the same time.

You quickly devoured the food your mother prepared, washed the dishes before running to your room to change your attire and fix your look. Thousands of thoughts running into your head of what could possibly happen to your cat and the bad feeling in your gut certainly did not help your situation at all, if something bad were to happen with your cat you wouldn't forgive yourself, he's your best friend. While you were in the middle of combing your hair a loud explosion was heard not to far from your house... Which means it's coming from the clearing!

"Oh no no no no no" You dashed towards your window and saw four massive spaceships right where the clearing was located, your eyes widen and your heart sunk. With your heart pounding in your chest, you were about to exit your room when the ring tone on your phone boomed in the room worsening your shock and fear.


"Y/n where are you?! Are you okay?!" Your mom questioned worriedly at the other side of the line, you assumed that she had heard the explosion too, well... It was loud and the ground even shook a little.

"I'm in my room and i'm fine mom don't worry" You were far from fine, you were scared as hell.

"Me and your father will come home as soon as the lockdown in our building is over ok? Is Goldy with you?" You bit the tip of your thumb, you didn't want to worry your mother anymore so you decided to lie.

"Yeah he's with me we're ok" You lied.

"Promise me not to do anything reckless ok?"


"Yeah i won't" You say yet your fingers were crossed, right after that she ended the call. You tossed the phone into your bed, created an illusion of you and Goldy before heading out of your room and head to the clearing.

"Sorry mom but I can't keep that promise"


"We've meet again Boboiboy"


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter please bare with this one... I *cough* promise the next chapter will be long okay... That's all...

Σ(O_O;) A/n 2021

Past me: You made it long again.... From 300 words to 1000

Present me: For impact past me for EMOTIONAL IMPACT

Past me: Ok ok but please tell me what is your plan!!!

Present me: Ok *whispers*

Past me: WHAT-

Present me: Ok stay tune for the next chapter, it'll be worth to read I promise ;)

Past me: Don't you have anything to adress?

Present me: Oh right, while I was publishing the newly edited chapters whenever I connect to a wifi it just suddenly becomes a draft, I am terribly sorry for the confusion but wattpad was glitching so I had to take measures into my own hand.

Past me: By?

Present Me: Hush now I don't want to waste their time anymore now off you go to the next chapter.

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