Stolen Memories

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Your new friends were still stun of the events that had just happened earlier on. They were a bit more quiet and cautious of their surroundings, probably scared of another ambush but seeing how you burned Adudu and Probe and threw them off across the town they probably wouldn't be coming back any time soon.

"Are you guys alright? You seemed awfully tense" You asked for the fifth time that day and yet again you received the same answer, a silent nod and a strain smile or thumbs up.

Assuming that they were distraught of what you can do, your mind had finally made up to erase any memory of you fighting Adudu and Probe but instead replace it with them fighting Adudu and Probe. You let out a guilty sigh and face all of them. You wanted to trust them, you really do but... Not now at least, perhaps soon but not now.

"My apologies, but I have to do this" Before anyone had a say on anything their vision immediately turned black, all they could remember now was Adudu ambushing them and saving you from being obliterated to pieces.

"My head" They all groan in agony from the sudden headache.

You took a deep breath for a bit and act as compose as possible.

"What happened?" Gopal asked, the answer was clear in his head but he wasn't entirely sure.

"You guys saved me from that alien remember?" You said subtly, biting the inside of your cheeks to drown down the feeling of guilt of having to erase your friends memory because of your fear and insecurity. You hate lying and yet you're an excellent liar yourself, what a weird combo.

"Oh yeah... Now I remember" The irony on Ying's statement made you internally cringe.

"Anyway..." You tried to change the subject. "Got any plans for today?"

"Oh we were suppose to train today! Fang we'll be here any minute" And right after Gopal announced that a boy with raven hair appeared, his face bored.

He seemed cold...

"Are you guys ready to go?" The new comer Fang spoke, even his voice sounded cold it gave you the shivers.

"I do not think we have been introduced I am Y/n, nice to meet you" You held your hand out for him to shake.

"Fang" Answered Fang coldly, well at least he shook your hand.

"Y/n do you want to come with us?" Piped Boboiboy and everyone's attention was on you again, you felt small under their gaze.

"Sure? But what is this training you're talking about?" Though you already knew the answer.

"Our powers. We want to improve our powers so that box headed freak won't know what hit him" You laughed at that and so did everyone else in the group. The feeling of guilt came back once more and you swallowed it not having the energy to deal with such feelings as of the moment.

I'll tell them when I'm ready... But now...

I'm doing this for them!


"Earth to Y/N you there??? hello?" Boboiboy wave his right hand in front of your face to earn your attention in which it did.

"Yeah Im here" You absentmindedly answered.

"We're here!"


Was I zoning out for that long that I didn't even notice we were walking all this time???

All of you were gathered on a small, empty football field not too far from the shop.

"Uhm guys?" You started. "I don't think this is the best place to test out your powers"

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