Sick Y/n No More

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You awoke from your slumber this time feeling fresh and rejuvenated, your cold was now gone and you can go out today but you decided to stay in to take a break, thinking of how are you going to tell your friends that you erased their memory. After all they have done for you, it is only fair that they know the truth. You sat up straight in your bed before grabbing a hold of your phone to check the time, 6:54 am. Your cat was not in your bedroom sleeping or pushing things off the table, assuming that he was probably at the kitchen eating cat food or by the shop pestering the gang.

"Good morning" You greeted tiredly whilst stretching your arms.

"Good morning sunshine how are you feeling?" Your dad set his coffee down

"I feel better" You answered, sitting down next to your father before devouring the sunny side up egg and toast your mother prepared for you.

"You going to the shop today?" Asked Cat casually, it felt off for him to casually talk at the dining table since he never did have any conversation on the kitchen until recently.

"No... I'm staying home for today and finally do something about my room" Since you have been going to the shop recently to hang out with the gang you never actually took the time to spice up your room. "You're staying too cat I need help"

"Do I have to?" He groaned.

"Yes unless you want your cat bed to end up in the bathroom" You threatened, having a smile on your face as you continued to slice your egg in half before eating it.

"Oh come on we both know that's an empty threat" Goldy remarked back, you raise a brow before dropping the fork and butter knife on your plate causing for it to release a loud "clank".

"Watch me"

"Stop it you two or else both your beds end up outside" Now that wasn't an empty threat. Both you and Goldy stopped arguing and continued to feast on your breakfast, afraid to trigger your mother again.

• • • • •

"Viola" Announced you as you and Goldy were done decorating your room.

"You just unpacked some stuffs, removed the boxes, and rearranged the furnitures how is this any different from before?" He was right. You hadn't actually bought any decorative stuffs for your room seeing how you have been busy with your new friends but at least your room looked neat and organized unlike before, clutters and boxes everywhere it was a mess.

"Hey at least it's clean"

"It looks plain" Cat gave you a look of pure judgement like all cats do causing you to let out a huff before crossing your arms.

"Would it kill you to stop being sarcastic?" You spat. "Well do you have any better idea mister smarty pants?"

"Yeah, why don't we head over to the mall and buy stuffs and stop by Tok Aba while we're at it" Goldy suggested as if it was the most obvious choice in the world.

You could do that but on one hand you don't know how to approach Boboiboy after the whole cheek kiss and forehead kiss thing, and the other hand you didn't have any money in you since it's summer your parents won't give you any money unless school starts, plus you haven't been ordering from Tok Aba except the first chapter.

"Do you have any money?" You questioned, giving your cat a look and seeing how he stopped talking for a moment it meant that you have won this conversation.

"Why don't you borrow some from your mom?" To put it short what he meant was take money from your moms stash that she hid somewhere in the closet without her knowing, in which you aren't going to do by the way so you wouldn't get the belt or much worse the...

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