Everything Alright?

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"A toast, to Miss Meriddion VanShay, lovingly known to us as Mary, who has changed the course of all our futures," Peter lifted his glass as the banquet hall began to applaud. Meriddion stood from her seat next to him and gave him a quick hug before sitting back down. She had said her piece a week before when she had gathered everyone together to tell them the news. Now, some fifteen people had chosen to leave the plantation while the rest were renovating the worker's quarters to better suit their new status.  All expenses paid by the plantation, of course.

Peter and Ellie had been hesitant about accepting the offer of the VanShay plantation, it was, after all, a great responsibility to place on the shoulders of Peter. He didn't have much in terms of experience with management or finance, but with Daniel's promise of help the couple accepted happily. They were renovating the house as well to make it feel less like Arnold's home and more like their own. Peter had plans to purchase and free fifteen new slaves within the month to help with the remodeling.

The dinner that was being hosted that night was a send off for Meriddion, Ash, and Rylan, who had flown to Georgia with Ellie, and Peter the day that Meriddion had made the announcement.  A glance to her left told Mary that Rylan was now absent. Concerned, she excused herself to find him. He was in the hall outside, phone pressed to his ear. Mary knew he had been trying to contact Avan since he had been freed, but the phone policies at the Ring were strict and Avan was rarely allowed the privilege.

"It is exciting news, why does it seem like you're not happy?"

A moment of silence passed while Rylan listened.

"How could you think that? Avan!"

In exasperation Rylan looked down at the phone, the call had been abruptly disconnected.

"Everything all right?" Mary asked, cautiously approaching the young man.

"No. Avan, he-he thinks now that I'm free I'm leaving him."

"Are you?"

"No!" Rylan some defensively, "I would never. I-I don't want to spend my time with anyone but him, even as a free man I don't deserve him."

"Did you tell him that?"

"I tried, but someone was yelling at him to get off the phone. I don't think he was supposed to call me. I'm worried that he might be in trouble because of me."

Meriddion took her phone out of her pocket and dialed the Ring's secondary number that bypassed the reception desk and went straight to the holding officer.

"Hi, this is Meriddion VanShay, I brought a fighter to your ring under my uncle's name, Daniel Copperboard, a couple of months ago."

She waited while they found the records.

"Yes, that's his name. I need to speak to him."

They explained to her that his weekly allocation of time on the phone had been exceeded.

"I don't care. Put him on the line."

They asked her to hold while they got him.


"Hi, Avan, this is Meriddion, I'm going to put Rylan on if that's okay."

"Yes, please ma'am," his deep voice cracked mid sentence.  Mary held the phone out to Rylan.

"Just bring it to me when you're done."

"Thank you," he whispered before resuming his previous conversation, this time in a less heated manner.

Meriddion returned to her seat next to Ash to finish dinner. A while through desert Rylan returned and handed her phone back.

"Everything all right?" She asked again. This time Rylan smiled and nodded.

Once dessert was finished Ash took Mary's plate and gently kissed the top of her head before heading to the kitchen to help clean up. Meriddion helped in the dining room and bid a number of the staff goodnight. They returned to their residences and Mary and her group of friends found themselves lounging quietly in a living room, windows open and warm air filling the space.

"I have something I'd like to tell you all, well, we'd like to tell you ," Ellie said grabbing Peter's hand midway through her sentence.

"I went to the doctor today, and she took this," she pulled a small, square photograph from her pocket and handed it to Meriddion. It was a black and white photo, there didn't seem to be much of anything in it. When she looked a little closer, Mary recognized what it was.


Ellie nodded and stood to meet Meriddion in a hug.

"How far along?"

"Three months."

"Ellie, I am so happy for you!" She gave her old friend another hug.

"What is it?" Ash asked.

"We're pregnant," Peter said as he stood and put his arm around his wife's shoulders.

The group had a happy evening of congratulations for the couple and the new life they were starting together. One by one, everyone turned in.

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