It's All Love and Rewards

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The two girls met Meriddion's father,  Gerald and Henry in the dining room.

"Hello, everyone."

"Hello, Meriddion, Cecelia."

The girls took their seats and waited as the food was brought out. Meriddion watched as Ash sat a plate in front of her, not daring to raise his eyes.

"Is that your boy, Mary?"

"It is."


"He is."

"You ought to reward his good behavior."

The rest of the dinner passed uneventfully. Meriddion and Cecelia chose to watch a movie in Mary's room. Lionel followed them there  and stood by the door. Again he cleared his throat and spoke.


Cecelia groaned.

"Ugh, what?"

"It's just, mistress, I was wondering about Ash. He has done everything asked of him and he's been working all day, is he to remain in the cells?"

Cece turned back to Meriddion.

"It is a valid point. You've had your time to cope with what's happened, you should make a decision."

Meriddion sighed, "may as well have here. Do not return until the evening's work is finished."

He nodded with the slightest hint of a smile and left the room. Meriddion turned to her friend.

"How on earth am I to reward him Cece?"

"Well, nothing too big, obviously. He is just a slave, do the same thing you'd do to reward a dog, that's all they are really."

Meriddion shook her head, Cece was right; wasn't she?

"So, a new toy?" She laughed at her own joke.


"But, I can't just buy someone a dog toy."

"Not a dog toy, a hoodie or something easy like that."

"Okay, let's run into town to get something."

So they got up and walked out of the house.

Ash all but collapsed when Lionel entered the kitchen.

Collecting untreated wounds had weakened him severely.

The smile on Lionel's face spread to Ash's as his realized what it must mean.

"You're to stay in her room tonight."

Ash's smile brightened. He had done it.

Lionel went to Pierre and asked what work could be done. He was given a task and began to work. Soon after everything was finished Lionel led the way to Meriddion's room.The girls were now watching the movie they had set out to watch.

They stood inside the door unnoticed for the two hours that the movie lasted. When it finally ended it was almost midnight. The girls decided it was time to head to bed.

Ash had never been permitted to sleep so near his master, he would've tried to kill them.

He had to steady his breathing to remove such thoughts from his mind, he had made his choice.


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