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It only took a night's rest for Meriddion to start feeling better. She could have sworn that she remembered seeing someone from her past before she fell, she blamed him for falling. She didn't know why.

She got along well with Cece, seeing as they now shared many interests. Cece began teaching Meriddion how to properly beat a slave.

Henry had caught Ash running through the halls and put him in the basement. He had lost all respect for Meriddion. She left him in a cell for two days, only taking him out of isolation to beat him.

Today, Meriddion skipped down the hallway with Cece, making her way to her father's office. She was so much happier, her father had called her to his office to receive a special birthday gift, this time on her birthday. She opened the door and heard his voice call out.

"Happy birthday, Meriddion."

She looked at his desk and found a line of whips laying out on it.

"Pick one."

He said coming up and hugging her from behind. She approached the table. Off to the far right were a couple of chain whips. She ignored those completely, she still didn't like how much blood they drew. In the middle were fancy colored whips with gems set in the handle, but they were so fragile, they made her feel weak. She was not weak, not anymore. On the far end she found a simple, sturdy rawhide whip. She fingered it gingerly.

"I want this one."

He father smiled and put her arms around her shoulders.

"Now guess what you get to do with it."

"Do I get to beat Ash with it?"

She asked looking up at him. He nodded and called to the guard to bring Ash up. He then moved to sit behind his desk and Meriddion fell onto the couch to wait.

"Would you like one of these my dear?" Arnold spoke to Cecilia as she began to excuse herself.

She walked over and picked up one of the colored whips and retreated from the room. Meriddion sat and fingered the whip, excited to use it. She began to grow impatient. Finally the guards walked through the door, struggling with Ash between them. As soon as they were in the room he knew he had lost, and quieted down slightly, still trying to get them to take their hands off of him. He looked over to Meriddion she was smirking at him.

The guards took him and shoved him against the wall. Pulling his shirt up to the handcuffs on his wrists and placed his hands on the wall. He dropped them. The second time they did not remove their hands from him, forcing him to brace himself on the wall.

Meriddion walked up to him and ran her fingers up his back. She felt him tense under her touch.

"Hey Ash?" She whispered softly.

"What do you want?"

"I was just curious, does this hurt? Or should I add a little more to it?"

Ash gritted his teeth breathing raggedly.

"Add more. Do whatever you want. I can take it."

"You really haven't changed have you?"

"You have."

"I've changed?" She said, her volume rising. "You've made me change! You couldn't just be obedient."

"I never will be."

She let go of him enraged and backed up a couple of steps and raised her arm again, but this time she brought the whip down. It made contact with his skin and he cried out softly, trying to act as though it didn't hurt but with each hit she saw his body contract and his head rise and fall. She hit him probably fifteen or twenty times before growing bored and dropping the bloodied whip. She walked toward Ash and grabbed him by the shoulders throwing his weakened form to the ground. He fell onto his stomach and used his chained arms to push his torso off the ground. Looking up at her with tears in his eyes.

What had changed?

Meriddion knelt by Ash and took him by the collar she had put on him in the dungeons.

"You will be obedient. I promise you."

She shoved him back down and left the room.


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