You'll Only Confuse Him

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Meriddion stared through the glass, She watched as the tattoo artist finished the work she had been given. As the woman was packing up her things Meriddion heard a small noise to her right. She glanced over to see that the second slave she had purchased had just been led into the room. His hands were bound tightly together but even so his hands were quivering against each other.

Meriddion returned her attention to the scene before her. The fighter dressed and soon was standing before her. Without a word Meriddion left the room. She didn't want to know a thing about the fighter, she was already beginning to regret her decision to purchase the man. The less she knew about him the better.

As she had expected the guard led her two slaves out to her car, which had been brought around for her. She bid Vaaru a final goodbye and slid into the driver's seat. Ash took the passenger and the two new arrivals were situated in the backseat. Meriddion put the car in gear and made quick time away from Rings Reign.

Ash fell asleep shortly after the journey began leaving Meriddion in silence as he had before. She quickly became lost in her own thoughts until she heard a timid voice calling a title she had once demanded.



"M-may we sleep? P-please?"

A gentle smile crossed Mary's lips as she voiced her permission and in a matter of time she was the only member of the small party that was awake.

Four hours later she pulled under the roof of the Ring Center in San Diego. She left the men sleeping and went inside to find someone to help her. She took a last shaky breath before walking inside, knowing that she was condemning a man to death by passing through the doors before her.

"Hello ma'am. How can we help you?"

"I'm Meriddion VanShay, I believe Vaaru Royale preceded my arrival."

"He did. Do you have the fighters outside?"

"In the car yes. If you could have a guard collect them I would appreciate it."

"Of course."

The woman made a small gesture with her hand and a large man followed Meriddion out of the building. By the time they reached the car it was evident that all of the passengers had awoken and were awaiting whatever should happen next. The guard opened the right side door and pulled the black haired slave from the seat. He proceeded to extract the fighter from the car with no difficulty as the other slave fell to his knees before Meriddion, his shoulders heaving with his sobs.

"Please, please don't make me fight. Please mistress."

"Silence yourself." Meriddion demanded with all the authority she could muster. "I will do with you as I please."

The man stifled his cries so the fear that was visibly evident at least wasn't verbal.

"It's not my intention to make you fight. If it were I would have paid a far heftier price for you."

The slave gradually relaxed. Meriddion gestured for him to return to the car before following the guard into the building. She signed a form and was on her way.

The drive back to her house took almost forty five for the Ring Center and when she finally turned into the recently paved driveway she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was good to be home.

Meriddion and Ash exited the car without hesitation. Both had almost reached the door leading into the house when they realized that the newest addition was not following them. Meriddion started to make her way back when Ash stopped her.

"Let me. He doesn't trust you yet."

"Well maybe this will help him start."

"Not after your 'I'll do with you as I please.' You'll just confuse him. Go inside."

Ash's words hit Meriddion hard as she realized that he must think she was reverting back to his old ways. She sadly made her way into the house. Ash opened up the backseat of the car.

"You coming in?" He asked the young man.

"I was not given permission."

"Well here's your permission. C'mon," Ash spoke as gently as he could.

"I can see your tattoo, you're a slave like me. I-I don't want to get into more trouble."

"She asked me to bring you inside. It's okay, you won't get in trouble."

With Ash's reassurance the slave exited the car and walked through the garage door with wide eyes. His new home intrigued him and when he entered Meriddion was nowhere to be seen so his eyes were free to wander. She came back into the room speaking to Ash.

"Ellie and Peter aren't here, they must've gone into town."

"Okay," Ash replied before turning towards the stairs.

"You need anything else?"

"No, thanks again Ash."

He did not reply. Instead left her alone with the man that was standing, head down just inside the open door.

"You mind shutting that door?" Meriddion asked gently while grabbing a can of soda from the refrigerator. The slave compiled in a swift movement but otherwise did not budge from his previous position.

"Want anything to eat or drink?"

"If my mistress wishes me to eat or drink," came the quiet reply.

Meriddion was about to attempt to explain herself to the man when she remembered Ash's words.

'You'll only confuse him.'

Instead she sat on one of the stools by the bar.

"Will you come over here with me?"

The slave wasted no time in placing himself at her feet, head down and on his knees.

"Please be honest in your answers. When was the last time you ate?"

"This morning mistress."

"Are you hungry?"

"Not yet ma'am."


In an attempt to save himself from a beating the slave replied: "a little."

Meriddion stood, causing the young man to flinch but made her way past him to retrieve a glass of water which she handed to him. He ducked his head even lower and held the glass above his head, hands acting as though they were a table top, holding the glass up for her.

"It's for you. Please, drink."

The Tattoo (formerly Unbreakable)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang