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The next morning Meriddion woke precisely at 7am and prepared herself for the day of touring that Ash had informed her would occur. When she joined the men outdoors after the morning meal she found an old style horse drawn carriage waiting for them. Cautiously stepping inside after Vaaru and Ash Meriddion took her seat. She couldn't help but notice that Ash sat as far away from Varru as he could get and kept his gaze focused anywhere but near the man.

Vaaru wasted no time in pointing out all of the fine merchandise that he had to offer as they rode through his training grounds. He had three separate areas that he pointed out to his guests, the initial cleansing center was merely a place where all new slaves were inspected. The second area he showed them was the training area, where his underlings spent the majority of their time, though the visitors did not. Ash formally advised Meriddion to purchase a fully trained fighter for Daniel. So it was to what Vaaru called 'Showman's Ring' that they made their way. Upon arriving Meriddion's attention was immediately drawn to a overtaking loud noise.

"What is that Vaaru?"

"One of the slaves has tried to run away."

"And it's making that awful noise?"

"No, that noise would be the dogs."

"Oh." Meriddion stated simply. When her father knew of a slave running he would often send trained tracking dogs after it. He once forced her to watch as his dogs tore a slave apart.

She hadn't liked dogs since.

The craft came gently to a stop in front of two men who were each holding an arm of a young slave man and a third who held the leads to two large dogs that made Meriddion shudder. Vaaru elegantly stepped onto the ground and the slave was shoved to the ground at his feet. Only then did it register in Meriddion's mind that the slave was sobbing.

"Please master, please don't make me fight anymore."

"And why not?" Varru spoke calmly.

"Please master, I can't go on, I can't keep fighting master, please."

"Yes you can go on boy, you may lose but you can still fight. And I expect you to."

"Please master-"

"No, no, no, no." Varru tutted at the man. "I paid a fair $800 for you, I expect eight fights before you're even rewarded boy."

"But master I've already fought four fights and I won all of them, I can't go on." The underling begged.

"Now boy. You want me to get my money's worth out of you right?"

"Y-yes master."

"And how am I to get my moneys worth if you don't fight boy? Are you going to pay me back?"

The slave began to sob quietly as he realized his fate and Vaaru went on tormenting him for some time before Meriddion grew tired and spoke.

"Are you going to pay me back?" Vaaru spoke with so much force that Meriddion almost yelled at him.

"I will."

Vaaru stood quickly from where he had squatted before the slave.

"You will? Now what would possess you to do that my dear?"

"Yes, what would possess you to do such a thing?" Ash whispered hurriedly.

"Have you a use for him?"

"No," Meriddion scoffed. "But I grow weary of your toying and if it will make you stop then yes I will purchase the slave from you. At least it has a face that's not entirely displeasing to look at."

"Well then Mr. Points, take the underling to the catharsis center and have it cleaned up for the young lady."

"Yes sir."

The slave was pulled along behind the man and Meriddion's tour continued. With the advice of Ash she ultimately decided on a tall well built underling in his late twenties to purchase for her uncle. He had already been in a few Ring fights and Vaaru assured her that the underling would bring Daniel much glory. She made her purchase and was anxious to leave. Vaaru insisted that his guests remain for the night and so they did. Meriddion suffered through another fight, consoling herself with a fair amount of alcohol before retiring for the night.

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