Chapter Three: Danger Of The Future

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Your Point Of View

We stopped at the local library as Carrie wanted to know more about Joey Drew Studios. I kept insisting that we didn't have to and that curoiusty killed the cat, somehow. But being the stubborn bookworm Carrie is, I knew wouldn't go without checking out. Carrie skipped down the sidewalk besides me as the air actually felt warm this time of year. "Y/n, how exactly did you survive?" That question had come just completely out of nowhere. "Well, to be honest, it's been so long that I-I-I-I-I almost can't recall! Now, don't call me crazy but I believe that Bendy had a crush on me?" I noticed Carrie's eyes widen at this claim. "Lucky!" She said. I laughed at her because of how she always daydreamed of meeting her fictional loves. But Bendy for me, had been only the stuff of nightmares.

We were put up on display,

Boris, Alice, and me,

Began to drown,

Began to rot away,

In the screaming well,

We couldn't sustain,

We couldn't protect one another from the madness!

But with your arrival,

My life seems like a fairytale.

Kiss me,

Will you love me?


I am willing to do what you want.

Drown me in your love!

Drown me into your soul!

That song had played itself in my head over and over again until me, Sally, and Mum moved. It creeped me out as I knew that I had missed a step. To finally banish Bendy out of this world, it seems easy heh? Nah! Carrie stopped me and pointed ahead at the library, only a few feet away. I didn't know how exactly we both planned to spend our afternoon here but apparently it had been settled at the lovely libray. Carrie picked up the pace and I had been forced to catch up. "Carrie! Wait up! Come on!" I ran after her but she had apparently made it a race. She stood by the door as I came up, out of breath. "What took you so long N/n?" Carrie asked. I couldn't laugh because of the little breath I had left. We both went inside, feeling the chill. Has the libray gotten bigger? Or is it me? Carrie walked up to a desk with a woman. "Hiya there! Do you have anything like books or movies about Joey Drew Studios?" Carrie blurted out. The woman typed something on the computer. "Yes," I couldn't actually believe it. "Would you like to see that?" Carrie nodded to the woman. The woman stood up and took us over to a section with the words Horror above a row of shelves.

It took a moment for me to realize that apparently Hollywood came and made a bunch of Mary-Sues! In the movies section, it had many horror movies about Joey Drew Studios and books involved everything from gore to especially porn! Just the thought of remembering Bendy made me want to scream. Carrie scanned through many rows of books to find something at all relating to Joey Drew Studios. We found at least 3 books about and 'truthfully telling' us 'facts' about Joey Drew Studios. Carrie also kept asking for any extra details about Joey Drew Studios but I had none. So, for a while, I sat there watching Carrie go through each and every book imagineable. Somewhere along the way, my stomach growled.

Carrie closed the book then stood up and we headed on out. Carrie read from a piece of paper. "So, here's what I have gathered on Joey Drew Studios!" She began to read her notes but somehow, my mind wandered. Back to when I lived here. I remembered my old home until we moved halfway across the town, far away from Joey Drew Studios. The stars above connected into constellations. It seemed like the past had returned. We arrived at Carrie's car and decided that we were too tired to even drive somewhere comfortable. I slept in the back with Carrie in the front. We kept the windows rolled down for safety then shut our eyes. As I slept, the last thing I remembered thinking had been Bendy. The one with the dripping ink running down his 'innocent' face.

Something dripped in the distance as I realized that this place looked familiar. Joey Drew Studios. I looked down at my wrists to see them chained to the wood floor. I called for help but I heard splashes from behind. I gulped, slowly turning my head to see Bendy. "Y-Y-Y-Y/n-n..." He croaked out. A lump formed in my throat when in the blink of an eye, Bendy appeared wearing a pink tutu. "M-M-M-Ma-a-a-ay-y I-I-I-I have-have-have th-th-th-this da-da-dance-dance?" He extended his hand as the chains began to melt from my wrists. I stood up and pulled out a f/w out of my pocket. "Eat this bitch!" I ran the f/w down the middle of Bendy's body and cackled evilly as he melted into a puddle. "Senpai!" I heard a male cry from behind. I turned and saw a man figure with a broken Bendy mask. He fell to his knees and cried. I slowly walked away, giving him an okay sign.

"Peace!" I said.

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