Chapter Four

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Kaito stared off into space as Kaede, Shuichi and Maki talked about random things. The majority of the class had already left and they were just talking before they'd follow everyone else. They were always the ones doing that. The teacher would sometimes even have to kick them out because they took too long to leave. Most of the time Kaito initiated the conversations, but today he was quiet. His mind kept switching back to the bruises on Kokichi's legs. Kaede pulled him out of his thoughts by shaking his arm.

"Looks like somebody has a crush!" Kaede teased. Kaito sputtered and opened his mouth to argue but Maki beat him to it.

"Who?" She asked, eyes widening in surprise, not realizing who it was as the oblivious little self she was. Shuichi and Kaede exchanged knowing looks, smirks playing on both of their lips.

"Kaito!" Kaede squealed. Maki's eyes widened and gave Kaito a questioning look. He wasn't sure whether to be flustered or angry at this point.

"You like Kokichi don't you?" Shuichi asked, voice slightly teasing but still holding that same quiet gentleness. Kaito shot him a betrayed look. He just smiled a mischievous smile. Kaito had never seen Shuichi like this before.

"No! What would make you think that!?" Kaito argued weakly. Kaede smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"You were staring at him all during class!" She exclaimed. Kaito froze. He was? Yeah, he was paying more attention to Kokichi then he would have normally been, but..!

"And you sat next to him rather than going to your normal spot!" Shuichi added. Kaito had a perfectly good excuse for both of those reasons but it's not like they would even believe him. Kaito glanced at Maki who looked like she was slowly being convinced. Maki too!?

"That was coincidence! I had no idea he sat there!" Kaito once again attempted to argue. Kaede rolled her eyes at the foolish argument.

"Everyone in the class knows he sits there!" Kaede pointed out. Kaito bit his lip, that was true.

"You yourself used it as evidence against some of the people calling him a vampire!" Shuichi reminded him. "'Said a vampire wouldn't survive sitting by the window all day!" Kaito's eyes widened, he didn't remember saying that.

"Which is totally true, by the way!" Kaede added. "I don't know why you say your such a bad detective-hey! You were trying to get me to change the subject!"

"Ugh just stop talking, please!" Kaito begged. Kaede opened her mouth to say more but Shuichi shook his head at her. Looks like Shuichi finally became the Shuichi Kaito had known all his life.

"Still, deny it all you want I know you have the hots for him!" Kaede yelled while walking away. Maki had a look in her eyes as though she would never see Kaito the same again.

"What a great way to end the school day..." Kaito muttered.


As Kaito walked home he noticed Kokichi. Kaito's house was always in a different area from everyone else in the class and was separated by a tunnel that the kids in Kaito's neighborhood always had to walk through to get to the other side. He always said the other kids in his class were lucky that they didn't have to tread through it. He'd had no idea Kokichi had to as well.

Kaito hadn't even noticed Kokichi had stopped walking until he spoke up, causing Kaito to jump.

"You know, it's not nice to stare." Kokichi said, his voice laired with boredom. "Idiot..." He added causing Kaito to bubble with rage.

"Is that how you greet someone!" He exclaimed before widening his eyes upon realization that he had said that out loud. He was about to apologize but his words were caught in his mouth as it dawned on him Kaede probably told Kokichi he had a crush on him. Kaede never could keep her mouth shut in 5th Grade, could she?

Kokichi then turned back around, probably to walk away but Kaito continued talking. "I thought maybe we could be friends!" No response. "After all, we go home the same way!" Kaito added in an attempt to make it less awkward. Kokichi turned back around to face him.

"Why would you say that to me of all people?" Jeez, Kaito never realized Kokichi was such a pain in the ass. "But I understand a little bit. You and I are both liars, Kaito Momota." Kaito was taken off guard. Who was this kid? He wasn't normal, that was for sure. He stayed quiet, unsure how to respond.

"I saw you run home yesterday." Kokichi continued. Kaito frowned. Was he talking about at the park? "Is your mother that precious to you?" Kaito thought about how in a few years, he never will see his mother again. Only his grandparents.

"Yeah." He replied lamely.

"Oh." Kokichi had the same bored tone again, as he continued down the tunnel.

"Wait, Kokichi!" Kokichi didn't stop. "Wait! I wanna be friends!" Kokichi finally stopped.

"Friends?" He then turned around slightly to where his violet eyes were the only part of his face showing. "Then would you kill someone for my sake?" Kaito felt his face go pale. He didn't answer. Kokichi turned back around and kept walking. This time, Kaito didn't stop him.

As Kokichi walked away, the wind caused the shorts he was wearing to fly up slightly. It gave Kaito a good look at the bruises littering Kokichi's thighs. Something was going on with Kokichi before he was murdered. If Kaito could figure it out in time then maybe, just maybe he could stop the kidnappings of 5th grade. Or at least, one of the kidnappings could be stopped. And for Kaito, that's all that mattered to him at this point.

(A/N : Yes I know! Yet another short chapter, I just wanted to hold onto this ending really bad! And honestly, all of my chapters will probably be short. Also, since in Kaito's motive video it was his grandparents as the most important people in his life, in this story I have it where his parents died in 7th Grade and he went to live with his Grandparents. Even if he doesn't acknowledge that very much, it's more the wound being old and he's used to it being there that he often can forget why it's there in the first place)

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