Chapter One

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"You're boring." Kaito glanced at the boy sitting in the seat in the very back, right next to the window. That boy sat there everyday and stared out of it, often getting in trouble with teachers due to slacking off.

"Boring!?" Kaito gawked. "Wha-!? I'm Kaito Momota, soon-to-be luminary of the stars!" Kaito turned around entirely, pointing a finger at the boy. "I am far from boring!" Kaito stomped his foot, signifying that the topic had now ended, with him not being boring. The boy just gave Kaito a condescending look that made his insides bubble with rage.

"If I say your boring, you probably are." He turned his glance back to the window. "I just say the facts as I see them." Kaito huffed. He was far from boring, he was going to be an astronaut when he grew up after all. Astronauts were not boring.  Whatever this boy's thought process was, it was wrong. With that, Kaito left the classroom with an angry stomp in his foot.


That boy had been Kokichi Ouma. He went missing a week later. Kaito's parents took him out of that school after a month of other students disappearing after Kokichi had. They "didn't want their little astronaut having his future taken away so quickly." Kaito was happy his parents had done that. Nearly a sixth of the school had disappeared before it was shut down. Kaito and a few other were the only remaining students from his class. Every time Kaito thought about the first kid to go missing, he got anxious. He knew why. The killer had never been caught.

"Huh? Why do you have a book all about the disappearances in 5th Grade?" Kaito turned around to see Shuichi Saihara, one of his fellow survivors out of their class, holding his book about the kidnappings around 12 years ago.

"I always wanted to know who did it. I mean, he could still be alive, y'know?" Kaito murmured, uncharacteristically quiet. Shuichi shot him a knowing look. Understandable, Shuichi always hated not being able to figure out mysteries. He seemed to always know who did it in the mystery novels he loved to read. When he wasn't right, he would beat himself up over it. Kaito had just learned to live with it, he was never right after all.

"Kids are still disappearing." Kaito stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't known that. "The police have asked all adults keep an eye out and make sure their children are never left unsupervised." Shuichi added. Kaito walked over to the book about the disappearances Shuichi had put back on the bookshelf.

"Do you think Ouma Kokichi had anything to do about it?" Kaito asked, looking at the class picture with Kokichi in it. Shuichi gave the picture a sideways look, eyes focusing on the purple-haired boy.

"He was the first to go missing," Shuichi said. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary other than that." Kaito flinched. Shuichi never meant to, but sometimes he made the astronaut feel unimportant. Stupid. Boring.



"Hello, welcome to Kozue, my name is Umi and I will be waiting you today. Are you ready to order your drinks?" Umi smiled at Kaito and Shuichi. There was a sort of mischievous look in her eye but Kaito didn't think much of it.

"Oh, sure! I'll just have water." Kaito told her, Shuichi following in his lead. As Umi left Kaito turned back to Shuichi, staying silent. He wanted to talk about the disappearances again but didn't know how to bring it up. Specifically about the more recent ones. It might be weird if that's all Kaito acted like he wanted to talk about after Shuichi came over to celebrate Kaito finally getting accepted into going to space. Not random kids that have gone missing.

"Do you want to know more about the disappearances?" Shuichi interrupted Kaito's thoughts. Kaito went pale at the statement.

"No-!" Kaito paused. "Maybe.." Shuichi gestured for Kaito to continue. "It's just..I don't know why but I haven't been able to stop thinking about the disappearances." Shuichi nodded.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since the first person disappeared." He said. Kaito opened his mouth to saying something else but Umi came back before he could.

"Are you ready to order your food? If so, while it may not be our special I suggest Yakitori!" Umi said happily. Kaito gave her a confused look as Shuichi's face burst red as a tomato.

"Why Yakitori?" Kaito asked, confused. Shuichi gawked at him. Umi smiled.

"It's been quite popular with couples lately!" She cried. Kaito suddenly realized why Umi had such a mischievous look earlier.

"We're not together!" Shuichi and Kaito cried in unison. Umi sighed, a smile still planted on her lips. It was obvious she didn't believe them one bit.

"If you say so.." She singsonged before pulling out her notebook to take our orders. Kaito just sighed, burrowing his face in his hand out of embarrassment.


"Jeez, I can't believe someone assumed we were together!" Kaito exclaimed and began to ramble. Shuichi smiled at his best friend's antic's and looked over to see a kid walking side-by-side with their parent. Parent? The two looked nothing alike. And the guy wasn't dressed like someone who was just walking around at the park with their kid. He was dressed in a dark suit and looked cautious. He stood out like a sore thumb and yet nobody else seemed to have noticed him. Was he here often?

Shuichi watched the two, the child unaware to the darkness the adult next to them was emitting. That's when Shuichi noticed what the two were heading for. A car. Frozen, Shuichi watched as the child easily got into the backseat. After doing so, the adult handed them a sucker  causing the child to squeal with delight and got into the front seat.

"...Ichi?" A hand placed itself on Shuichi's shoulder, snapping his gaze away from the car. "Shuichi!? Are you okay? You look pale." Kaito questioned. Shuichi nodded absentmindedly. Had he just watched an abduction? Bringing his gaze back to where the car was, Shuichi felt his heart stop beating. The car was gone. The child was gone too. The whole thing had gone down right in front of Shuichi and he hadn't done anything to stop it. That kid has a very low chance of surviving now. If they weren't already dead that is. Shuichi finally managed to find his voice.

"I feel sick."

(A/N : Ok so I have no idea what I'm doing. I literally just looked up Japanese restaurants and food, I have no idea if Kazue is even a restaurant and I don't think Yakitori is something couples specifically will eat. It was literally just the first Japanese food other than sushi to come up. Just clearing things up so you guys don't go spreading possibly wrong information.

Also, I know there isn't much Oumota so far and it's more Saimota, and I warn there will be SOME Saimota in this story but I promise there will be Oumota later on )

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