"Hey, I'm trying to be healthy."

"Why? Be a pig like me."

Kai and Iris approach us, both talking excitedly about the track race. I raise a brow at them before smirking.

This has made the life of me so fun...

"Hey Chip, did you know Iris likes the Percy Jackson series?" I ask and he gasps. They begin talking excitedly about it, forgetting about us.

Manon leans over, "I don't think that's a series..."

"Don't question my knowledge." I hiss.

"Really? I love those books!" Kai exclaims which makes Iris blush.

Lord have mercy.

"Hey, guys!" Cole calls out from across the field, jogging over to us. Once he passes me, he swoops Manon up and kisses her. She giggles and holds onto him.

"Where's my hug?" I jokingly pout and cross my arms.

Suddenly, as I'm watching the two lovebirds, I'm swooped up into the air. Screaming, I look at the person, only to see it's Nova. I hold onto him and he smirks at me.

I laugh softly and hang my head back, "You could've given me a heart attack!" I exclaim and jump down. "Is it your goal to kill me someday?"

"Yes. Yes, it is," he answers and smiles. I place a hand over my heart as it melts. How can someone be so cute? "Shall we go?" We all say yes and start walking away. I sling my arm over Nova, and he tenses up.

"Do you even relax bro?" I tease. He rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath. "Like seriously," I begin to say as we get in Cole's car. I sit in the back with Nova, Kai, and Iris. And since they're so tiny, we had no problem with space.

I almost forgot. Nailia left earlier. She said, "she was tired of hanging out with such losers."

Like, okay. Bye Felicia.

"Relax," I scoot closer to Nova, and start massaging his shoulders. As normal, he tenses up. But not just a little. He tenses up a whole lot more than he usually does. "Don't trust me, I know nothing of massaging. Manon is the queen at massaging." I explain.

He grabs my hands and pries them off of his shoulders. He doesn't say anything as he puts his arm around me.

"You talk too much Matthews,"

As I open my mouth to say something, he yanks me towards me. He puts my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. Strangely, my heart picks up its pace and I feel my cheeks heat up.

What is this?

My cheeks heat up more as he starts making circles on my arm with his finger. Surprisingly, Nova doesn't smell like sweat so he must've showered.

At least he has manners.

Can you feel the love toniiiiiight?

Now isn't the time for The Lion King music.

"What are you guys doing back there?" Manon asks, staring at me through the rearview mirror. She winks at me and I grin.

"Nothin'," I answered innocently. "Just hanging out." I hear Cole snort before parking the car. We all step out and stretch our limbs.

"Alright people, what's the game plan?" Cole asks everyone. I raise my hand and clear my throat.

"Get food, and act like fools."

"Correct. And who are we?"

"Home of the bears!" Manon cheers and everyone claps.

(A/N: *cues dramatic opera music*)

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