Chapter 16

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"Thomas! Thomas where are you!" I call out into the fights and fire all around us. Just then a wicked soldier stands in front of us.
"I've been looking for you" he says going to grab me with his gun pointed
"Oh no you don't!" I hear Thomas yell as he runs at the guard and kicks him down. I then hug my brother.
"Thank god you're ok I was so worried" I say to him
"I'm ok, we need to get out of here. Where are the others?"
"I don't know, we spilt up"
"Oi, Thomas, Brenda, (Y/N). Over here!" Jorge yells at us and we run to him and duck behind a vehicle.
"We need to find the others" Thomas says
"No, look" Jorge says and points at Newt, Minho and Frypan standing with Vince and Harriet shooting at some guards when suddenly they're electrified and fall to the ground,
"No!" I yell and go to leave our hiding spot but Thomas stops me and pulls me back.
"We have to save them! We have to save them!" I yell and cry
"(Y/N) it's too dangerous" Thomas says to me
"But I love him. I don't want Newt getting hurt" I cry and Thomas hugs me as I cry into his shoulder, trying to calm me down.
"You guys need to get out of here, they aren't looking for you and I want you to take (Y/N) with you. I don't want them hurting her again" Thomas says passing me onto Brenda.
"But Thomas..." Brenda starts
"Go" Thomas says
"I'm not going anywhere" I say
"Yes you are" Thomas says and Jorge grabs me and picks me up.
"No! Thomas! I can't lose you! No!" I scream and cry. Thomas looks at me sadly as I'm carried away.
"Put me down Jorge! Please put me down!" I yell at him and he does
"Don't worry hermanno, we aren't leaving them, that'd be stupid" Jorge says
"They want me, Janson and Ava do. Let me sneak up behind them and try and attack Ava"
"(Y/N), that could get you killed" Brenda says
"That's where you guys come in. If anything goes wrong, come up with a distraction"
"Ok, let's do this"

I hide behind one of the bergs, readying myself to attack Ava.
"Where's Thomas?" I hear Janson question
"I'm right here" my brother says and steps forward and a guard pushes him over to Janson. Why was he handing himself over?
"Good to see you again" Janson says and then punches Thomas in the gut hard which makes Thomas double over. Janson then forces Thomas to stand up straight and holds him by the collar.
"Now where's your sister?"
"You'll never find her"
I then start to sneak my way behind Ava.
"You're clever you know Thomas. And so is your sister. It's a shame she doesn't know the difference between stupidity and bravery though" Janson says and then I feel like my arm was on fire as something is shot into it and I yell and fall to the ground, grabbing my shoulder.
"(Y/N)!" Thomas and Newt yell at me and they go to run over to me but Newt is forced to stay on the ground and Thomas is held back by one of the soldiers.
Blood covered my hand as it leaked from its source.
"Trying to surprise us by hurting Ava were you (Y/N)?" Janson questions coming over to me. I then force myself to get up off of the ground. He wasn't defeating me this time.
"You've beaten me before Janson, but that's gonna change tonight" I say cringing
"Is it now?" He then punches me where he'd shot me and my shoulder explodes with pain. He then pushes me on the ground.
"Leave her alone!" Thomas and Newt yell and try to get out of the grasps they were in.
I lie on the ground, in pain, tears spilling from my eyes.
"You're still weak and pathetic" Janson says and then kicks me. I couldn't move, it hurt too much.
"Start loading them up" Ava said and I see her and Teresa head towards the berg. That bitch of a betrayer.
As Thomas was being pushed forward he grabs out the grenade Jorge had.
"Let them all go!" Thomas yells
"Thomas stop" Ava orders
"I said let them all go!"
"Please Thomas just listen to her. They promised they'd look after us" Teresa said
"You expect me to believe you now?"
"She's right Thomas, it was her only condition" Ava said
"Please Thomas" Teresa begged.
Newt, Minho and Fry then step forward. If they killed themselves, that'd leave me alone.
"We're with you Thomas" Newt says
"Do it" Minho says
I was crying at this point, not just from pain but fear.
"If you do this Thomas, you leave one very important person to you behind. Your sister" Janson said
Thomas then looks at me on the ground, bleeding.
"That's why, I'm not doing it on us" he says
Just then a horn rings through the air and a truck comes flying down the mountain and Thomas chucks the grenade at one of the bergs.
"Take cover!" Thomas yells and presses a button and the thing explodes. Jorge then jumps from the vehicle and starts shooting everyone.
Newt runs over to me and kneels beside me.
"I'm sorry I let that happen to you" he says
"It's not your fault, it's mine" I reply
"I'm gonna lift you up and get you out of here"
Newt then picks me up and carries me bridal style, away from all the fighting and puts me by a ledge.
"Stay here" he says and runs back to help.
"Not a chance" I say to myself, get up, no matter how much pain I was in. I wasn't being defeated.

I run into all the mayhem of the Right Arm and Wicked guards fighting. I wasn't letting a bullet in my arm stop me from helping my friends. I see a Wicked guard and run up to him and jump on his back, swinging myself around him and then punching him and we fall to the ground. His grenade gun flies from his grasp. I then grab it from the floor and shoot him. I now had a weapon. I then see Minho having some trouble with a guard. Minho is then knocked to the ground.
"What will those boys do with out me?" I say to myself, run over and shoot the guard and Minho looks at me with my gun pointed.
"(Y/N), you're not meant to be fighting" Minho says
"And let you boys have all the fun, not a chance" I say
"Newt's gonna kill you, you know"
"Well he needs to let off his steam a little then. Heads!" I yell and push Minho down and shoot over the top of him.
"You're good"
"Thanks, now I'm gonna find Janson, I owe him a visit"
"(Y/N) no"
"Minho, I need to do this"
"And get yourself killed?"
"I'll be fine" I say and run off. I then see Thomas being chased by Janson and I run over to him. Janson then pins Thomas to the ground and punches him.
"Say goodbye Thomas" I hear Janson say
"Not on my watch" I say and jump kick Janson over and Thomas scrambles to his feet.
"(Y/N), you're meant to be hiding, not fighting" Thomas says
"I'm not giving up that easily"
"Well look who's come back for more, wasn't that one bullet enough for you?"
"I'm tougher than you think" I say and run at him and shove Janson to the ground. I punch him in the face until he knees me in the stomach and pushes me off of him. He then grabs me in a choke hold but I flip him over. He then jumps up and then runs at me again but I step to the side and put my arm out and he runs into it, hitting it full on with his neck.
"Thanks Gally" I say, he'd taught me that one. My feet are then kicked out from underneath me and my head collides with the ground. Janson then kicks me in the head and my vision starts going all funny. He then kicks me in the ribs and  then grabs me around the neck.
"Not as strong as you think you are now huh?" He then starts cutting off my oxygen by choking me. I try to kick and punch but he has me pinned. Black spots start appearing on my vision when I see Janson get shot with one of those grenade things and he falls off of me and I gasp for air and start coughing. By this point my shoulder was in pain. I then see two figures run over to me and they both kneel down.
"(Y/N) are you insane?" Newt questions "you could've gotten yourself killed"
"I'm sorry" I cough and he hugs me.
"Come on, let's get you out of here" Thomas says as they help me up and we start running for the hill.
"Go on guys, I got you covered!" Minho says as myself, Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda and Jorge run past. As we turn back, expecting Minho to be running after us, he gets shot with a grenade.
"Minho!" I yell and go to run down but Newt holds me back as Jorge and Frypan run after Thomas. I try to get out of his grasp but it's too strong and he holds me close to him as the largest Wicked berg with most of the Immunes on it, lifts up into the sky and flys away. We had lost.

One or two chapters left guys, just warning you.

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