Chapter 14

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We arrive at some sort of camp with large tents everywhere. I jump out of the car after Newt does and we look at our surroundings. For what we expected of the Right Arm, there weren't many people.
"I thought the Right Arm was an army?" Minho questioned
"We were, this is all that's left of us. A lot of people died getting this far" a man says walking towards us. "Who are these guys?"
"They're Immunes Vince" Harriet says
"Did you check 'em?"
"I know Aris, and I trust him"
"You should still check them"
I then see Brenda beside me finding it hard to breath and she looked pale.
"Brenda are you ok?" I ask and she shakes her head and falls to the ground.
"Brenda!" I shout and go to her side and the others look.
"What's wrong with her?" Vince questions
"I don't know, she just went like this all of a sudden" Jorge said now down by Brenda's side
Vince then bends down and notices her ankle is bandaged and unwraps it seeing what the crank did to her.
"Everyone get back! She's a crank!" He orders pulling out a gun.
"No!" I yell standing in front of Brenda and Thomas by my side. Jorge was being held back by two other people.
"Why did you bring her here when she's like this? If we start bringing cranks in, no one will survive"
"We're sorry ok. I told her that there'd be something that you guys could do to help her" Thomas said
"Yes there is. By putting her out of her misery" Vince said loading the gun.
"That's enough!" A woman yells from behind. "Let him go" she orders the men holding Jorge.
"She's an Unimmune Mary. There's nothing we can do to help her"
"No, but he can. Hello Thomas" Mary says and I look at my brother who stands there shocked
"How do you know my name?" He asks
"So they did put you in the maze. Especially after what you did"
"What did I do?"
"The first time we spoke, you hated Wicked for putting your sister in the maze, you couldn't stand seeing her get hurt. The last time we spoke, you told me the location of every single Wicked compound there ever was"
"He was our source" Vince said
I saw Teresa giving Thomas a dirty look. She knew about that.
"Come on, we need to get some blood from you, Harriet, go find the others some warm clothing" Mary says and walks off with Thomas.

"Who knew Thomas could actually help Brenda and that he did all of that. Even though he's my brother, he still shocks me" I say to Newt as I pull on a jumper and he's pulling on a shirt.
"Yeah, well you basically still don't know him. Remember our memories got wiped. Obviously Wicked's only given you back some of the memories"
"Yeah. I hope Brenda's ok though"
"She will be. She seems like she is in good care. How's that side of yours anyway?"
"It still hurts"
"Let me have a look" Newt says and I lift my jumper and shirt to reveal my very bruised and bloodied side. "You need to get that checked out. It looks infected"
"It's fine"
"No (Y/N) , get it checked out. You could get sick if you don't" Newt says as he grabs my hand and we go and find Mary who's finished with Thomas.
"Newt and (Y/N), what's wrong?" She asks obviously picking up on Newt's worry of me.
"Can you check (Y/N)'s side out, it looks like it might be infected" Newt said
"Newt, I said it's fine" I complain
"No (Y/N), Newt's right. I'll check it out. Come this way" Mary says leading me to a tent and Newt nods at me that it was ok.
We then get inside the tent and I sit down on a bed.
"You're gonna need to take off your shirt and jumper for me to see it" Mary says and I do as I'm told.
"How's Thomas" I ask as she examines my injury.
"Yeah he's doing good, just getting his strength back after getting blood from him. He's really looked after you"
"Yeah, he is a good brother"
"The wound just needs some cleaning and antiseptic on it and you should be fine"

I leave the tent and see Minho, Frypan, Newt and Thomas sitting on some higher land above the camp. They don't see me coming so I climb up and sneak up behind them but stop when I hear the boys talking.
"I wish Winston could see this" Frypan says
"And Alby" Minho adds
"And Chuck" Thomas concludes
"He'd be proud of you, you know Tommy" Newt says
I then go up behind the boys and jump down in front of them which makes them jump.
"Where'd you come from?" Minho looked from me to behind him.
"Down there" I say pointing to the camp.
"Well you sure were quiet" Fry says
I then sit between my brother and Newt.
"You know, Newt you had nothing to worry about. I was fine"
"Wait, Newt was worried about you? Gee that's totally not normal" Minho jokes making us all laugh.
I then see Thomas looking off into the distance and I look at what he's looking at and it was Teresa on a ledge on a mountain.
"I'll be back in a minute guys" he says and gets up and starts walking.

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