Chapter 2

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Newt's POV:
The next day, we were back at the cafeteria. Thomas kept saying that there was something going on that we didn't know about and it was starting to worry me. What if (Y/N) was in trouble? I had to put it behind me. Why would they hurt them when they're giving us all this stuff?
"There's something behind that door" Thomas says
"Thomas, we don't know what you saw last night, it could've been anything"
"I know what I saw, the kid said they brought in bodies every night"
Thomas had supposedly gone somewhere with some kid in the middle of the night and saw people bringing in something.
"Who?" Minho asked
"Aris, the kid who's been here a week"
"Oh, I'm sold"
"Let's just keep our heads down and try not to draw attention to ourselves" I say
Thomas then jumps up once Janson had called more names.
"What's he doing?" I ask
"I think he's drawing attention to himself" Frypan says
"What did I just say" I groan and we ready ourselves for trouble. Just then Thomas starts fighting one of the guards and we run over and I pull Thomas away.
"What's going on here, Thomas, you know we're all the same side" Janson said
"Are we?" Thomas questions and we then find ourselves back in our room with the door locked.
"What was that all about Thomas?" Minho asked
"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" I question
"No I didn't" he said as he grabbed a card from his pocket.
"Right" I say
"Newt, I need to know what's on the other side of that door, they're hiding something"
"No Thomas we don't know. The only thing we know is that they helped us escape from Wicked. They've given us food, clothing and a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time..."
"I know..."
"Some of us a lot longer than others"
That keeps him quiet. We then see someone poke out from under the bed from the vent system.
"You got it?" Aris asks
"Yeah I do. I'll be back soon guys, just keep watch" Thomas says and slides under the bed and I roll my eyes in annoyance. Why was he always so curious?

We'd waited for Thomas for about 15 minutes when he suddenly comes back through with Aris in a panic.
"Thomas what happened?" Frypan asks and then asks Aris.
"They're coming, we have to leave now" Thomas said
"Leave?" I question as he pushes a mattress up to the door and I slam my fist next to his face.
"Thomas, what did you see?" I ask
"I saw her, she's still alive"
"Who, Teresa or (Y/N)?" Frypan asks
"Ava?" I ask
Thomas doesn't stop and keeps blocking the door.
"Thomas, just slow down and tell us what's going on"
"It's Wicked!" He yells which make us freeze
"They're coming for us so we need to find the girls and leave here now"
He says and heads to the venting system and we follow. Still confused at what was happening we followed.

When we're out of the vents, Winston goes with Aris to help him with our escape whilst the rest of us follow Thomas. We then run into the doctor that (Y/N) and Teresa were with.
"What are you boys doing out?" She's asks and sirens start ringing in the corridors. We then force her to take us to the girls and she does after a couple of threats. Once we go around two corners, we run into a guard and run the other way then Minho stops and runs at the guard and knees him in the gut. We then run back.
"Shit Minho" I say and Thomas grabs the gun and points it at the woman and she takes us to a room just before the med wing. There were a couple of other doctors there.
"Where are they?" Thomas shouts at them when he hears a moan and throws the gun to Minho and I start binding their hands together.
"Newt!" I hear Thomas shout and I stop what I'm doing and run into where Thomas is and I see (Y/N) on a bed, passed out.

Your POV:
I could hear shouting and I didn't know it was from. Then I hear him.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), come on love. Wake up please" it was Newt.
I then open my eyes to see his face next to me.
"What's going on?" I ask as he helps me sit up.
"We're getting out of here" he says
"Newt help" I hear Thomas say who is trying to smash the window  and Newt runs over, grabs a chair like Thomas' and they smash the glass which shatters. I then get up off of the bed as Thomas jumps over the broken glass and helps Teresa over. Newt then jumps over and helps me. Minho then tosses Thomas the gun as he jumps over. We then all start running. I had no clue what was going on. We then run to a door and Thomas tries to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"Thomas!" We hear Janson yell who had reached us.
"You kids won't survive out in the scorch. If the environment won't kill you, the cranks will"
Thomas then walks at Janson, gun in hand but keeps his distance. Minho tries to open the door and we watch Thomas. We then hear a click and the door starts to open and a boy and Winston are on the other side.
"Hi guys" the kid says
"Thomas, come on let's go!" Newt yells and we run through as Thomas starts shooting at Janson and then the door starts to close once he starts running.
"Come on Thomas, you can make it!" We all yell and just when it's about to close, he slides under. The kid then smashes the key thing so Janson can't come through and then we run and get to a sliding door and Thomas unlocks it and we ran into the scorch.

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