Chapter 13

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"Ok, just act normal and try not to bring anyone's attention our way. We just need to find Marcus because he'll know where the others are" Brenda says leading the way and we follow her down a busy street where people were walking. We kept our heads down and stayed on the task at hand.
"Ok, it's just here" Brenda says and we walk onto a porch and over to a man.
"Excuse me do you know where the owner of this house is?" Brenda asked
"You're looking right at him girly" the man said with a little slur in his voice.
"Have you seen a tall dark man with three other boys about our height?" Thomas asks
"Depends, I see a lot of kids walking around here. They might be inside though. But for entrance, you have to drink this" the guy said holding a flask.
"Thomas, how do we know if we can trust this guy?" Newt whispers
"I don't know"
"Guys, if we're going to get anything done we just need to drink it, go inside and find our friends" I say and take the flask and have a large mouthful. I then get a look from Newt as if he's worried that that mightn't of been a normal drink.
Brenda then has a mouthful, then Teresa, then Newt and then Thomas.
"Ok, you may go inside and have fun kids" the guy says who pushes us through the door.
Music blared from every direction and there were people dancing as if they were drunk.
"We should split up, we can find then quicker that way" Brenda says
"Ok" I say and we all split up.
The more I walk around, the more my head starts to spin and pound. That must've been alcohol. I know it. So far I couldn't see any of the guys. Suddenly I get these weird visions. Some camp blowing up, Wicked headquarters, Minho; Gally; Teresa and Aris, a place filled with cranks and then Newt. But I wasn't sure it was him. He looked like one of them. I shake my head and the world starts to spin. I then fall to the ground as darkness surrounds me and the last thing I see is a figure running towards me.

I fall to the ground as Janson hits me yet again.
"You're weak (Y/N)! You need to toughen up!" He yells down at me as I cover my face so I'm protected.
"I'm trying" I cry
"Don't start crying now, you're not a baby anymore so start acting your age!" He orders and kicks me in the ribs. "I'll see you in five minutes for your next part of training" he says and then leaves.
I stay on the floor and cry. Cry my heart out. Every time I didn't please Janson, I'd be bashed.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), you ok?" my brother asks coming to my side.
"He beat me up again. I can't take this anymore Thomas. I can't take it!" I cry as he holds me close to him.

I open my eyes to see Minho at my side.
"Hey shank, have a good sleep?" He asks
"Yeah, pleasant but sadly I had to wake up and see your face" I smirk and he slaps me on the shoulder.
"She's ok" Minho says behind him
Frypan then comes over as I sit up.
"Well, you all looked like you had fun. Where was our invite?" Frypan joked
"I'm sorry but we gate crashed the party, we weren't really invited" I laugh "where's Newt and Thomas?" I ask
"Thomas is still out of it and Newt is just coming to his surroundings" Minho says pointing over to Newt who's sitting up. I then go over to him.
"Hey, how you feeling?" I ask sitting beside him.
"Yeah, I'm alright. What ever he gave us really knocked us about though" Newt says
"Tell me about it"
I then see Jorge drag the guy who gave us the drink into the room and threw him onto the floor and started yelling at him to talk.
"Talk you son of a bitch!" Jorge yelled.
Thomas then walked over to us.
"You looked like you had fun" Newt smirks
"Same to you" Thomas says
"Where are the Right Arm Marcus?" Jorge questions
"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas questions
"Kid catches on quickly, are you the brains of the group?" Marcus questions and is then thrown onto the floor again.
"You're never going to get there with a bunch of Wicked soldiers on your tails" Marcus says
"Not on foot. Where's Bertha?" Jorge asks
"Not Bertha"

We drive along a dirt road. Newt was sitting up front with Jorge and I was sitting in the back with Thomas. I looked behind me and saw Teresa. Something about her just didn't seem right. I knew that she had lost the trust in her from me, Thomas and Newt. After what she did to me, I wasn't forgiving her anytime soon.
"This is as far as we can go" Jorge says stopping the car and we hop out to see a bunch of vehicles parked all over the road.
We start walking and investigating every individual car. I then notice a dint in a car bonnet which oddly looks like a bullet had ricocheted off of it. Just then, a gun was fired and a bullet just missed me.
"Everyone get down!" Jorge ordered and I ducked behind a car with Thomas and Jorge. The bullets then stopped.
"Is everyone ok?" I ask
"I think so" Brenda replies
"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt questions.
"Bloody Marcus, lead us right into an ambush" Jorge says grabbing something out from his bag and passing it to Thomas.
"On the count of three, Thomas you throw this and I press the button. Everyone be prepared to run back to the car!" Jorge yells.
I then see people heading our way.
"Um... Jorge"
"Be quiet (Y/N). 1"
"Jorge, there's"
"Drop it!" A woman yells from behind us and Jorge and Thomas freeze. "I said drop it!"
They drop whatever they were holding.
"Now get up!" She orders and we stand up.
"You guys, get your butts over here" She calls to Newt and the others.
"Aris?" The other girl asks
"Harriet? Oh my god is that you?"
"Yes it is, I can't believe we found you" The girl called Harriet says hugging Aris.
"Um... What's happening?" Minho asks
"This is Sonya and Harriet, we were in the maze together" Aris says
"Come on, you guys can come with us" Sonya says and we all look at each other, shrug and follow the girls.
"How did you guys escape?" Aris asked
"The Right Arm got us out" Harriet said
"Wait, you know where the Right Arm are?" Thomas asked as we reached a car.
"Hop in"

Scorched Love (Newt x Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz