Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Harry and Hermione returned to Britain with Alex, via the Russo's IPP. They had thoroughly had enough of muggle transportation.

Harry wasn't sure where they should live for now. His godfather's house was still really creepy (though that was where they were currently staying) and his parents' house was still a ruin. But Harry really didn't want to buy another property. That just wasn't his thing, owning more than he really needed. The trip had been a splurge because Harry loved Hermione and he wanted to share some luxury with her.

He and Hermione decided to drop by Bill and Fleur's and introduce them to Alex and ask Bill what he thought. Bill had always seemed like the most sensible Weasley son, and Harry trusted his advice as much as he did Arthur's-who was up to eyeballs in work at the Ministry. Harry sent a message to Bill from #12 Grimmauld Place with his new owl, a large beautiful Golden Owl named Horus.

Alex was thrilled with England (especially shopping in London). She skipped along beaming radiantly, dragging a giggling Hermione by the arm along the beach. The crisp sea air at Shell Cottage was making her feel all tingly inside again and she began to wish that she and Hermione could just make out with Harry on the beach.

"Maybe later," Harry told Alex with a grin. He had heard her thoughts. He, Hermione and Alex had been hearing each other's thoughts more and more frequently over the last week. And it was hard to resist each other. It must be the Triune power really kicking in Harry thought. He needed to talk to Bill before they went for a romp though. That's why they were here he reminded himself, and Bill was expecting them.

They were almost to Bill and Fleur's front door. Hermione and Alex glanced at each other wickedly. Harry didn't notice, as he was trying very hard to focus on what to discuss with Bill. Hermione and Alex both put their arms around Harry who was walking in between them, and they began kissing him vigorously. He couldn't resist and began kissing them back.

The door to Bill and Fleur's house swung open and Ron stood there in sullen shock, staring at the two girls snogging Harry at once. He hadn't expected to see Harry at all, much less see this.

Ron began to turn purple while George held his sides laughing in the doorway behind him. George was laughing so hard that he fell on the floor, tears of mirth streaking his face. That bloody git had invited him, Ron thought furiously.

Bill facepalmed while Fleur looked away, smirking.

"BLOODY FUCKING HELL!" Ron swore loudly, and he disapparated in a rage.


Stay tuned for the sequel coming soon.

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