Chapter 7

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Mason appeared to have collected himself, though he still looked a bit pale.

"Did you mention something about lunch?"He asked "I'm famished."

Harry grinned, Mason's comment had strongly reminded him of Ron.

"Yeah... well are we ready to go then?" Harry inquired. Mason and Alex nodded affirmatively, but Alex was ready to take charge.

"We're going to flash there okay!" Alex stated firmly. 

Harry sighed. He'd just have to get over it and use magic. Not that he really minded at this point. He was NOT about to take Hermione down to the Subway again, and he didn't feel like dealing with any more garrulous taxi-drivers.

"Sounds great. Alright Hermione?"

"Wait Harry," said Hermione, who then turned to Alex, "Do you know how to get there, Alex? To our suite I mean. I'm not sure how your flashes work if you don't know where you're going."

"Oh it's easy." Alex said with a grin, "I just grab Mason, wave my wand, and I think of following you. Wherever you go, I go!" 

Hermione looked suitably impressed. It was probably much the same as apparating, but maybe with some sort of tracing spell attached. She smiled and nodded at Harry who took her hand.

"Okay Harry, ready when you are." 

And then they twisted into nothing. They were back in their suite at the Plaza. Half a second later Alex and Mason appeared. They gaped at the luxurious dining room.

"Right," said Harry, "I'll ring for the butler and he can bring up some menus!" Harry picked up the phone to the front desk. The desk clerk seemed startled when he answered.

"Um... Okay, I'll send a butler right up!" but the desk clerk was perplexed and pressed on. "But I don't understand sir; I didn't see you come in and neither did the elevator operator. I don't know how we missed you. I'm so sorry, you should have had a butler already there." 

Harry groaned. Of course, how could he have been so stupid? He had forgotten that the elevators had operators who would be directing every guest to their floors.

"Erm... er...well, I suppose the elevator operator stepped out for a moment." stammered Harry. The desk clerk didn't challenge him (the customer was always right, at the Plaza, especially when they were staying the priciest suites).

"Okay, your Butler should be there any minute." And sure enough, barely a minute after he put the phone back the Butler was there. Harry let him in, and took the menus from him.

"Oh... er... we'll look after ourselves then for a bit. We'll just ring down when we've decided," said Harry. The Butler nodded.

"Yes sir, as you wish. I'll send your meal up with a waiter when you order."

"Thanks," said Harry as he stuffed some bills into the Butler's hand.

When he turned back to the others, he found them at the full bar.

"I can't believe it," Alex said with awe. "I can tell you're underage. How did you manage to get a suite with all this booze?"

"I booked it in advance from England. They never asked--but we're legal in Britain anyway. I guess they don't fuss about your age if you're booking the top floor. Do you want some then?" Harry offered.

"Um..." Alex looked at Mason. She was only 17 and she felt nervous all of a sudden. "I don't know... Mason?"

"Oh, me? Sure, why not! I've snuck into my father's cabinet loads of times. That sounds lovely. You too, Alex?"

"I guess I'll try something," Alex said anxiously, "Sometimes Dad lets us sip a little wine at dinner."

"Right then. Just try a little bit of this then. Mum and Dad seem to love it," said Mason as he reached for a bottle of 18 year old Glenlivet."

Harry and Hermione grinned at each other. The Glenlivet was a good choice if there wasn't any Firewhiskey available.

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