Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Alecto Carrow was still angry at having lost her prey, even though she was resigned to waiting until Harry and his friends returned to New York. She was certain they would return to the place with the unplottable charm, and she was determined to find them when they did.

She considered a spell to break the unplottable charm, but even with three wizards it was nearly impossible to pull off. The blood magic was powerful, but it wasn't strong enough to break a charm unless they had at least one more wizard. Alecto racked her brains trying to think of an American dark wizard that they could approach. It was difficult, for she had as little information about the American wizarding community as the rest of the British wizards had.

But then Alecto remembered seeing a small 3 paragraph article from a copy of the Daily Prophet a few months ago, several days before the Battle of Hogwarts. The report had mentioned that a dark wizard had been defeated from taking over the American Wizard World. His name was Gorog, and apparently he was the ruler over the Dark Angels, denizens of another dimension called the Dark Realm.

All Alecto and Amycus had to do now was find an entrance to Gorog's world. The spell for discovering an entrance was relatively simple though. Dark magic was really easy for her to detect without the help of any other wizards, and even without her wand. In a city the size of New York she could detect any dark magic with her own senses. There had to be an entrance somewhere in the vicinity, and she discovered that she was right. There was one in an alley in between two blocks right near the Hudson river.

"Amycus, let's go. We have another task to complete." She said commandingly. Amycus got out of his comfortable recliner, stretched languidly, and turned off the TV.

"Alright," he responded agreeably. "I'm ready whenever you are." And then the two of them disapparated. They were now in a dark alley, and it was a little after 1:30 am. The stench was rancid, and Amycus wrinkled his nose. Rubbish was strewn in the alleyway; broken alcohol bottles, old tires, rotting food that even dogs wouldn't eat, used needles, and even. The walls were covered in graffiti and grime.

There was a rustling sound behind him. Amycus whirled to face it and shot a killing curse in that direction. A body hit the ground. Alecto looked over her shoulder to see what was happening.

"Just an old homeless muggle," said Amycus smiling thinly. "Have you found the entrance yet?" Alecto pointed at a section of the brick wall.

"It's right there. It's just like the wall leading to Diagon Alley." Alecto replied excitedly, tapping the bricks with her wand. They moved out of the way obligingly, and she and Amycus stepped through the gap in the boundary which had separated this dark plane of reality from the rest of the world.

They moved cautiously. This was a curious place full of steam, sulphur, and lava pits, plants which they had never seen before, and fluttering ugly little creatures not unlike Cornish Pixies. The dark wizards would have thought they were in a cave, except that there appeared to be no roof. The sky, if you could call it that, was a roiling mix of purples. and they were bathed in its twilight. There appeared to be a castle in the distance, and they made their way towards it.

Alecto and Anycus had only made it half way when part of the sky darkened even more. A loud beating of wings drew closer, and then surrounding them, the dark angels regarded the wizards with some amusement.

"We're here to see Gorog." Stated Alecto loudly. "We have business to discuss." The apparent leader of the Dark Angel squad appraised Alecto and Amycus, and Alecto returned the favour She felt dark magic radiating from the Dark Angels. It was weak. She sensed that their recent defeat had drained a lot of their power.

"Follow us," said the Dark Angel. "If you try to escape, we will kill you." Alecto chuckled. These fools wouldn't stand a chance against the Carrows if it came to a battle. But she had no intention of escaping. A short time later, they entered the castle.

Sitting in a throne at the end of the hall was a peculiar sight. The person Alecto presumed to be Gorog was dressed bizarrely for a modern wizard. Only really old wizards dressed like that these days. She wondered how old he really was. He didn't look much older than his mid 50's, despite his solidly white hair which peaked under the brim of his tatty top hat. He was wearing a garishly purple jacket with tails over a lacy frilled white cumberbund and green waistcoat. A thick line of black eyeliner gave the man a pseudo-sinister look.

At least he was wearing pants, Alecto snorted. This man looked like a bigger fool than Rowle. She was having a difficult time fathoming how he had managed to almost seize power in the American Wizard World. She supposed Gorog's power must have been vastly more powerful before his coup attempt had been quelled.

He just looked like such an idiot, but Alecto reminded herself that these American wizards were much more deceptive, relying less on force, and more on conniving and manipulation to achieve their goals. She would have to kill Gorog when he was no longer useful to her, just to be sure that he wouldn't become a threat to them.

She considered briefly the notion of taking over the Dark Realm after his demise. But Alecto's impression of this dimension was that this place was dreary, and not worth the effort of ruling over.

Gorog apprised the two wizards who approached. He knew at once that they were dark wizards, but that only made him even more apprehensive. The only reason he could think of for other dark wizards to enter his realm was to overthrow him. He regarded them suspiciously and put on his best Evil King face.

He knew it looked ridiculous, but it usually disarmed his opponents causing them to underestimate the extent of his power and the lengths he would go to achieve his goals. If he was forced to resort to killing, he would have it done without hesitation. He preferred the long game, but he could live with murder if he had to.

"What are you doing in my realm?" Gorog bellowed, his voice amplified many times and echoing in the chamber. "Be warned. If I don't like what I hear, I will have you tossed into the nearest lava pit."

Alecto could tell a put-on when she saw it. This man was a pompous fraud, a con man. His power was weaker than she had surmised, and he had probably taken this realm through trickery and deceit. Not good, she thought with an inward groan. The spell would be extremely difficult to perform with this buffoon completing the Triad. But she would have to try.

"Lord Gorog," began Alecto with an ingratiating manner, "I had heard of your magnificence, but I had no idea how much more majestic you are in person."

Gorog pretended to be extremely flattered by her phony obsequiousness. It seemed to be working; she was buying it. His double layer of duplicity was convincing these wizards that he really was powerless and incompetent. The woman had visibly relaxed and managed a smile, but she couldn't hide the contempt which lurked behind her narrowed eyelids.

"Continue," said Gorog, with a feigned air of egotism, "flattery will get you everywhere, but get to the point before I get bored."

Amycus smirked. That was something which he himself might have said to Alecto when he was teasing her. Unabashed, Alecto responded.

"We have come with a proposal for you Lord Gorog. I am Alecto Carrow. My brother Amycus and I have come for your assistance in a dark rite. We require three wizards for a Triad, but we would prefer one with superior abilities and intellect so we sought you out."

Oh, this one was good Gorog thought; very entertaining. The more fawning she became, the less she could hide her disdain for him. He decided to give Alecto's proposal a fair hearing though. She might have something interesting to say. A Triad sounded interesting.

"Go on." said Gorog graciously.

"In return we offer you our services in your next attempt to take over the American Wizard World. We have the might to prove our worth. Our previous master was Voldemort." Said the woman.

Gorog stiffened. This woman was dangerous, even if she wasn't planning to take his fiefdom. He would do what she requested because he was interested in unleashing the power of a wizard Triad. He hadn't tried that before and he was scheming of a way to use that power for his own purposes. Once she became useless to him, he would kill Alecto and her creepy brother.

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