Chapter 11; Holy Water

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In celebration for 4.5k views, i drew Rin as a dragon^^
thank you guys sm!! i can't believe how big that number is <33

NOTE: in the last chapter, italics meant a memory while normal font meant the cram class's POV / Rin's thoughts. For convenience purposes it's now vice versa.

The cram class screamed as blood seemed to fly out at them from every direction. In reality, though, it was only a couple of drops—but it was enough to scare anyone because who would want to watch someone get tortured?

The class was pleading, begging into the air to make the scene stop, but the man just took another swipe at Rin, who let out a coarse yell as his cheek was split open, deeper this time, blood flowing like a river down his face and dripping onto his uniform.

The man moved to the other side of Rin's face before precisely swinging. He was aiming for the chub of the boy's cheek, but in his crazed frenzy he misjudged the shot, barely missing Rin's wide, fearful eyes—eyes that seemed to scream out in pure, utter pain. Those same eyes seemed to expand rapidly as his face got assaulted by the knife, quite literally. They grew so large that his iris was practically gone, grew until the pupil snapped back into itself in the shape of a corrupted, dark blue slit. Rin erupted into brilliant flames at the exact moment his eyes defied nature. He was burning, his scorching hot flames taking control and lashing out in full defensive fury.

The man dropped the knife he had been assaulting Rin with. The hand that had previously been holding the wicked tool was engulfed in burning hot flames, and he jumped backwards, screaming violently as the pretty blue hue mauled his flesh. He clutched his burning hand with his other one, but that was a big mistake, because his other hand started to light, and he shook both of them desperately until the azure flames died out. Normally, flames that quite literally came from the depths of hell couldn't just be shaken off, but Rin had let them flicker away—he had never actually hurt a person and the scene was absolutely horrifying for him.

Rin took a closer look at the scientist—or whatever he was—in the hopes that he hadn't hurt him too badly. The skin on the hand that had held the knife was dark red, charred, and just altogether disgusting in a way that made the half demon want to gag. Blood slowly gushed from the places where the skin wasn't completely charred. It must be a third degree burn, perhaps higher if those even existed. Rin let his gaze travel to the man's other hand, and he wished he hadn't. Forget gagging, he was going to vomit all over the floor if he didn't stop looking soon. The other hand was more of a second degree burn, with huge white blisters popping up and ready to burst while the rest of the skin was a bloody, irritated red, and since the flames hadn't managed to char the skin badly enough to clog blood flow, the red liquid was starting to slowly rise to the surface and sluggishly drip to the floor.

Meanwhile, the man had fallen to his knees, gasping and sobbing out in pain. Loudly. Rin was still staring wide eyed at him, trying unsuccessfully to wrench his gaze away, cover his ears, or do something to make him not have to watch the man's suffering. He didn't think it helped, either, that he was still wreathed in divine flames. He tried to unconsciously focus on his own pain to take his attention away from the man, but the cuts on his face had long since healed, leaving him soaked in blood but otherwise physically fine.

What have I done? was the only thought echoing through Rin's head, over and over again, like a broken record.

Maybe I really am a monster? No—no. It was just self defense. Self defense isn't a crime...

Before he could stop it, an image of an angry Suguro played in his head. "Don't you understand? Those blue flames can kill people!"

I never thought..

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