Chapter 6; Reunion

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ayy, i'm back! my phone is as good as new. to make up for the lack of updates, this chapter is a bit longer and i'm planning a double update!

Yukio was sitting at his desk, sunlight streaming in through the window and reflecting off of his glasses. The room was filled with the sound of pen scratching paper, accompanied by small hums and disapproving tuts.

The younger Okumura glanced up from his grading to peer over at his twin's side of the room. It was still incredibly messy, the bed not made, just as Rin had left it. The abandoned dorm was so quiet without the devil there to bother him. Yukio was surprised to see that he missed him, missed the brat trying on his glasses or complaining about the heat. He would never admit that, though; this was the demon who killed thei—his father.

Yukio picked up a bottle of mineral water, pushing the thought of remember when you yelled at Rin for not picking the water up, and he laughed and told you he forgot? Remember him? out of his head as he took a swig, adjusting his glasses and settling over the next paper.

"Uni-Uni?" Yukio sighed. "That's supposed to be aloe, I'll have to talk to Shiemi about plant names again..."

Letting his glasses slide forward, he pinched the bridge of his nose. This must be, what, the third time I'll have to talk to Shiemi about plant names? She'll get it some day, I guess.

Just then, there was an abrupt knock on the door to the twin's shared room. Yukio's head shot up, startled, and whipped around to stare at the source of the noise.

No one else lives here, so who could it be? Was the thought running through the exorcist's head as he opened the door, extremely conscious of the gun hooked on his waist.

The sight that he got was not expected, but he should've guessed. The demon had arrived earlier that day.



Yukio, after a moment of shocked silence, had let the poor guy inside. The brunette pointed him to his side of the room, and told him to do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't disturb the teacher's grading process.

As the exorcist sat down and proceeded to look at the next paper—a 98% by Suguro—the room filled again with the scratching of a pen. After a few more assignments had been graded, Yukio glanced up. He was unnerved by the silence; usually, Rin would be sobbing over a (see: Yukio's) shoujo manga and getting his disgusting fluids all over it. If he wasn't doing that, he was snoring as he slept with his mouth wide open or complaining loudly about homework. The fact that he wasn't making any noise is what set Yukio on edge.

Turning his head further, he saw Rin standing by his desk. His posture was rigid, his arms crossed and tail frozen behind him. He was completely focused on his surroundings, nostrils flaring as he... scented the air?

"Rin," Yukio spoke impatiently, "what are you doing?"

"I'm keeping watch, sir." Came the robotic reply.

"Why? You know the dorm is protected by Mephisto's warding symbols." The younger sibling pointed out.

"Satan could easily break through them." Rin stated blandly.

"Satan? He's not coming here."

The navy haired demon breathed in deeply, scenting the air once more. "You never know; either way, my task is to eliminate him. I must always keep watch, sir."

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