Chapter 3; Who are you?

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{Warning: Graphic description of wounds}

"H-He shouldn't be here.. at all! He has to go back, he's dangerous," Konekomaru stuttered angrily, "He–we can't have the son of Satan at our school! He's going to hurt.. even kill someone!"

They heard a groan. Heads turning faster than humanely possible, the Kyoto trio's eyes met with red tinged cerulean ones.


Rin stared into the shocked expressions of Bon, Shima, and Koneko as he groggily sat up. No one said anything. The trio expected Rin to say something first–he was always running his mouth, and from past experiences they've learned that the first thing he does upon waking up, injured, is complain about how sore he is, or at least do something–but said exwire just stared at them with an unnervingly blank expression, as if he was waiting for something. Shima might've been exaggerating things, but he swore the guy didn't even blink! The awkward silence stretched on for what seemed like forever, until the doctor came in.

"Oh, am.. am I interrupting something? I can leave for a moment. I would advise you to hurry, though, because the patient is in need of serious medic–" The doctor, standing anxiously in the doorway, spoke, before being cut off by a certain rosette.

"No, no, you're not interrupting anything. Come in." Shima gave one of his laid back smiles, beckoning the man inside.

Rin looked up at the doctor, who said his thanks and padded over to a chair next to the hospital bed that the demon was currently sprawled out in. He dragged a wheeled table of medical tools and supplies over to the side of the mattress, and then smiled kindly down at Rin as he took a seat.

"Hey, lad, my name is Doctor Trill. You look alright, though there's quite a lot of blood on you. Would you mind taking your shirt off, so I can take a look at the damage?"

"Yes, sir." Rin replied instantly, in a dead, dull tone, and proceeded to strip in the blink of an eye. In the heat of the moment, everyone failed to pay attention to the black tail that uncoiled from around the bluenette's waist and draped over the side of the bed, out of view.

Bon's eyes widened, Shima's jaw dropped open, and Koneko's breath hitched. The three directed their gazes from a now shirtless Rin to another member of the trio, back to Rin, back to a friend, and repeated this for a few shocked moments.

The doctor heard Konekomaru's noise of surprise and looked over with a slightly confused expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Uh–no, but, are.. are you okay there?" Shima inquired, directing a bewildered gaze at Rin and huffing out a slight laugh to either ease the situation or his own nerves.

The doctor continued to stare as the bluenette responded, "Of course, why wouldn't I be, sir?"

Shima could feel his soul leave his body as the color left his face. "R–Rin.. Rin just–he just–he called me sir! Who are you.. and what have you done with the real Rin Okumura! Yo–You would've called me a pervert at least once by now, if you were him, I'm–I'm sure of it!"

The rosette proceeded to dramatically swoon with a hand flush to his forehead, and was caught by a speechless Suguro, who shook Shima roughly to bring him back to the present.

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