Chapter 7; Mission

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I present you with... a double update! Kinda. It's a chapter the length of two chapters.
remember, this is set before the kyoto arc, so no impure king!

The class had been briefed on the bus. They were heading to a mountain in the boisterous city of Kyoto, which just happened to be the home town of Suguro, Shima, and Koneko. The objective of their trip was to hunt down and exorcise some of the low to mid level demons that have been hunting the forest's animals. Their corpses, found rotting in the woods, had disturbed citizens enough to call in a team. Since the exorcism was supposed to be easy, the exwires had been assigned the job. Then, Shura had quite rudely cut in the moment Yukio was done talking, and said that she was going to take Rin a little bit deeper into the forest and find some higher level demons. The Kyoto trio, after Yukio had finished telling Shura off, took this interruption as a chance to ask Yukio if, on the way back, they could stop by the Myō Dha sect. Yukio, after thinking it over, grudgingly agreed.

They had arrived at the forest, a beautiful place with colorful floral speckling the bushes. There were a few birds chirping as they hopped from tree to tree, but not nearly as many as expected. As the class went a little deeper into the forest, along a popular hiking trail where mauled corpses had been commonly spotted, they saw the reason why. There were four or five dead birds in a ten feet radius, scattered about with varying degrees of rot and injuries.

The claw marks that littered the bodies seemed to be different sizes, some bigger and some smaller. Some feathers were even singed; there were numerous scorch marks around the area.

Shiemi gasped, her green eyes sparkling with sadness and voice trembling as she took in the birds. "Oh no! This—this is horrible! We have to help them!"

Shima fought to keep his eyes off of them, ignoring Shiemi's outburst as he saw maggots on a couple of the carcasses. "Don't look, Shima buddy, it's just a peaceful walk in the woods, there's no bugs here..." He said to himself in an anxious laugh.

"C'mon, ya coward, they're jus' bugs. Grow up!" Bon said, exasperated at Shima's antics. Just then, a moth flew out of the woods, straight into Shima's face. The pinkette screamed and jolted, running wildly around the group. He was spraying himself with gallons of bug spray that had mysteriously appeared out of his pocket as he ran, tears streaming down his face, garbling panicked nonsense.

"If I had to guess, it would be a group of lower and low-middle class demons running rampant." Yukio stated in matter of fact tone, just sighing and not even giving Shima a second glance - he was used to this by now. "I think they're kin to Iblis—there's signs of fire. Keep your eyes out."

(im sorry but when i typed that i could just imagine rin literally ripping his eyes out and going "don't worry they'll regenerate")

"I'm guessing this is my cue ta go have some fun with ya, Rin!" Shura exclaimed, grabbing said exwire in a headlock—smushing his face uncomfortably into her boobs while doing so—and dragging him further into the forest.

The cram class watched as Rin flinched and then growled softly, easily breaking free of the headlock—which he found threatening—and then obediently following a cussing Shura into the woods, no groans or lazy complaints at all.

"I really don't like this new Rin," Shiemi whispered, timidly voicing the thought that was running through everyone's head. The comment was met with uneasy silence.

A few members of the class were working up the courage to respond when there was a rustling in the bushes ahead of them. They had strayed off of the path in hopes to find the little devils more quickly, and it seemed their plan had worked.

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