Chapter 10; Magic

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Fun fact: I have never, ever, known a chapter name before i've actually written the chapter... but since this is a major plot point, i do! proud of myself :)

Shura hazily blinked away the pink smoke she was just casually choking on, hearing lots of similar hacking echoing through the room. It was only her and Mephisto here, so who else could be coughing? The damn clown was immune to his hellish smoke, so it couldn't be him...

Her thoughts were cut off once she realized that she was, in fact, not in the same room as before. She was back in Rin's hospital room, and she wasn't alone. Besides the clown, there were a lot of familiar faces: Yukio, Suguro, Shima, Konekomaru, Izumo, and Shiemi, all looking slightly frazzled as their surroundings began to sink in.

A quick glance at the hospital bed confirmed that Rin was still laying there, sound asleep. He was snoring lightly, his mouth open and little fang teeth poking out while his tail dangled over the side of the bed, the fluffy tip slowly twitching back and forth. One arm was slung across the mattress, hanging off the edge while the other rested against his chest. His legs were slightly bent, and all together he looked incredibly peaceful, even surprisingly cat-like.

"What the hell er we doin' 'ere?"

"The fuck—how did we get here?"

"What is all this pink stuff? How di—shit is that a spider hELp."

"Pink smoke... Mephisto?"

Multiple people spoke up all at once, causing the volume in the room to soar. Everyone was questioning everything, some looking scared as they glanced around. The blabber got increasingly louder, everyone wondering how the fuck they basically teleported into the hospital. That is, they were wondering up until a smug voice cut through the incessant chatter.

"Hush, now. We wouldn't want to wake up your precious friend now, would we?" The only other demon in the room spoke, smiling broadly at the people around him.

Yukio raised his hand in front of his students—and Shura—to stop the onslaught of insults that he knew, from sad experience, was about to come. Instead of delivering the comments for his class, he spoke calmly, "Why are we here, Mephisto?"

"Well, to see what happened to Rin, of course! Weren't you all wondering that?" The clown spread his hands grandly, as if showing off something expensive and beautiful.

Yukio sighed, fighting hard to not pinch the bridge of his nose in agitation. "We were there when Rin was fighting, we saw his injuries after he was done."

"No, no, not those injuries!" Mephisto snorted, as if he found Yukio's comment funny. He then tapped the side of his head knowingly. "His mental ones!"

The class looked confused, and Yukio, forever their spokesperson, questioned, "His... mental injuries..?"

Mephisto glowered, why did he even get involved sometimes? He really did need smarter pawns... Loosing some of his grandeur, he explained to the dumbfounded people in front of him. "Aren't you a dull lot? Don't you want to know why my little brother is acting the way he is?"

Everyone froze. He could tell them what's wrong with Rin?

Shura, who didn't need time to process this as she had already been told, cut straight to the point. "Jus' tell us already, ya dumb clown."

Mephisto was tempted to lock her in a cuckoo box for that, but he decided not to and opted instead to ignore the ugly comment. He then walked over to Rin, grinned demonically at the group, and touched his fingers to each side of the sleeping exwire's forehead.

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