Chapter 16: Nothin' yet

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As they finished what must have been their 20th card game, Thelma announced that they had left the Sea of Science and were heading for the Sea of Monsters.

"Woo." Muttered Roger sarcastically. "Let's go fight some monsters then. Yay."

"Some o' the creatures in the Sea ain't too bad y'know." Said Thelma. "Most of 'em are just there 'cause they're creepy and scary-like. Not violent."

"Once we're in the Sea" asked Finn "how do we actually get to the Sea of Nothing?" "T's hard to explain" replied Thelma "but basically t's one o' the only places you can pierce the fabric of space and time and wiggle through to The Sea of Nothing. The Sea of Nothin' is different to most others Seas 'cause there's only two ways to get there."

Roger interrupted "I know one of them. You have to get swallowed by a Vacuum Flask." When he saw Blue's confusion he said "It's a big monster that sucks everything up. The sky, the ground, and when it reaches the end of its life it swallows itself up. If you are in the Flask when it does that, you are transported to the Sea of Nothing."

"Okay." Said Blue. "Is that how the Beatles got there?"

"Yeah." Said Thelma. "The thing is, if a vacuum Flask swallows a whole Sea it disappears until the Flask swallows itself. Then it reappears."

"Okay." Said Blue. "That makes some sense... so how are we going to get a Flask to swallow us?"

"We're not." Replied Thelma. "There's another way. Around the Sea of Monsters are portals called Black Holes. They ain't actual Black Holes, but they take you to Nowhere Land. To find 'em you have to get past a Kraken; each Black Hole has a Kraken guarding it."

"A... a kraken?" Asked Blue "As in the legendary sea monster?"

"Yeah, except real. They're big, green and they ain't friendly. Only way to kill 'em is chop off the right eye. You'll see what I mean. Anyway get ready 'cause we'll be there soon."

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