"You were quite unlike yourself yesterday."

"As I said, I haven't been sleeping well."

"Yes, I had the medical droid sent to accounting."


"Yes. As a trash can."


"If it's any help, I find a hard drink and some female company do the job just fine when having trouble sleeping."

"Noted." Ben said, giving Hux a weird look.

"Too bad there aren't any Hosnian whores left. I blew them up, remember? Teehee."

"Tragic." Ben replied. Hux gave him a nod and strode off towards the command deck while Ben went to the throne room.


Rey stumbled out of her room looking a sight. Her hair was in tangles, drool still wet on the side of her lip. Chewie roared to greet her.

"Not so loud." She grumbled, holding her hands over her ears. She shuffled over to the holo table where Chewie offered a glass of juice to her.

"Thanks." She said and took a sip and immediately spit it out. The Porgs under the table scattered at her reaction.

"Ugh, Chewie, what is this?" He roared again.

"For what hangover?" Chewie just grumbled at her and pushed the drink to her mouth.

"All right, all right." Rey said, drinking the bitter concoction. She wiped at her lips.

She was glad the Resistance had cleared enough out of the first hanger to turn it into a set of dorms. Having the Falcon to herself and Chewie again was welcome, especially on a morning like this.

"Knock, knock!" Came a voice at the ramp. Finn, Poe, and Rose came up into the Falcon, Rose carrying a basket.

"Heyyyyy Rey, how ya feeling?" Finn asked her, as she hurried to smooth her hair.

"I've been better." She said. Finn and Poe laughed.

"I am never drinking again." She muttered, which made the boys laugh harder.

"Rey! You'll never guess what was delivered this morning!" Rose squealed. Rey looked at the time on the dash, it was just around lunch.

"The Queen sent a gift basket. It was huge." Finn said.

"Here! We brought some to share." Rose said, handing her the basket. Rey peeked inside. It was full of fresh fruits and vegetables and even some warm bread rolls.

"Thanks Rose." Rey said.

"We're going to start on the second hanger tomorrow. Are you going to come join?" Poe asked.

"I've got to do some training. I haven't trained in days." Rey said, thinking about the saber in her room.

"Okay, well you know where to reach us." Poe said. They bade goodbye and Rey went to go shower.

Later on, Rey went outside and sat under one of the trees at the edge of the swamp, overlooking the grassy hills. She propped open one of the sacred books she had taken from the island. It was heavy in her lap, the pages smelling of seaweed.

The ink was so faded it was hard to make out some of the words. The wording was ancient and confusing at times. If she was going to have to fight Ben and the First Order, she needed to learn all she could about the Jedi. She no longer had a teacher, so these would have to do.

Chewie had a campfire that night and roasted some weird looking frogs. They ate out in the swamp, Rey continuing to read by the firelight. Chewie stood up and roared to her. She looked up and smiled at him.

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