Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)

Start from the beginning

"Do something about it!" Urana answers, sweating pouring down her face.

Owen waves a hand in front of Alex. He didn't budge. It was as if he's frozen in fear. "C'mon Alex, we need you," Owen says, trying to get him to his senses.

"I-I can't.." Alex's voice trembles.

"You can! We're here with you! You're not alone!" Owen reminds him.

The shields break down. Leaving all of them open to attacks. Taking this opportunity, the two women jump up and go for the most vulnerable target at the moment: Alex.


Seeing the attack, the four teens push Alex down and put up some sort of shield. The dog pile on Alex didn't make the situation any easier.

Alex shakes his head, his heart pounding in his head and his breathing shaky. He couldn't take it anymore. I can't take it being scared! I'm done with it!

The attacks die down and everyone gets off of Alex, keeping their guard up. Alex joins them, getting his hands ready. "I've got a spell that'll work. Once I cast it you guys gotta trust me that it won't affect you," Alex explains.

"Wai-oh hell no Alex. You didn't practice that spell at all!" Brenton protests.

"You wanna fight the two of them head on?" Alex questions.

"He's got a point. Let's just do it," Ava backs him up.

A quick nod from Owen and Urana, as all of them put up a shield to block the new wave of attacks. Alex steps towards the middle, mustering all his strength. "Blinding light!" Alex casts. This spell causes his targets to be blinded temporarily. This temporary blindness lasts from a minute to hours. Depending on how strong the mage is.

The bright light blinds the two women. They mindlessly walk around, yelling at each other. The teens laugh a little before quickly sprinting away from them.

"Pretend it's cross country...pretend it's cross country..." Brenton repeats to himself as he feels his legs getting heavier.

"I can't run this fast after doing all that!" Ava gasps. "You're trying to get a home run," Ava repeats.

"You're trying to catch the ball before it becomes a home run...You're trying to get a win..." Alex repeats to himself.

"Pretend you have the ball and gonna make a goal...just pretend it's soccer," Owen mumbles.

"Pretend it's a fast break, pretend it's a fast break..." Urana repeats.


Ku steps through the portal, sighing deeply after coming from the Magic World. The Magic Council wanted to see more progress with the Elemental Masters ever since they heard about The Eliminators. Ku couldn't rush them into becoming stronger mages, that just takes time.

Ku grips his staff as he feels himself getting mad. I am fed up, just fed up with all these evil mages...I am done with those so called parents of Alex and Owen. I just hope they are all alright...Ku calms down, then gets worried.

I hope those kids are okay....and I sure hope that Amy is not letting the Magic Council get to her...

Ku paces around, then feels five mages coming into his magic space. Blinking, he looks up and sees the five teens running in, out of breath and sweaty.

"Did you lot take a run before coming here?" Ku questions then feels the lingering magic energy of The Eliminators. "They found you?! Are you all of you okay?!" Ku worries, running over to them and checking their arms and head.

Elements: Rise of The Destruction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now