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Sundays were often thought of as sacred days for most people, ever since the war, many found it important to take time off and appreciate the world around them. Shops would close early and business reduced by 30% to allow the people of The Empire to rest for the following week.

But for some, it was an opportunity to let loose a little and run wild, of course without alcohol; nobody wanted to run the risk of hangovers on Monday mornings. Never the less there were other ways to enlighten the soul, better ways.

And 'The Hamster Wheel' night club was one of the many places in The Empire that catered to these sinful wanting's on such sacred days. These night clubs where for the holy to become sinners. Holy sinners like Graham.

Graham though, tended to exclude himself from these unholy Sunday night exploits as often as possible, but tonight was about celebration. He had bought along his cousins- Francisco and Christoph- to help him celebrate. Though it was not yet his success, far from it. There was still so much work to do, so many things to plan, it was almost comical that he would be stood in line to get into a club in the first place.

Nevertheless, the night was still young and the boys were waiting in line like everybody else, but there seemed to be commotion up front. A girl was in a full blown argument with the bouncer about weather she was too drunk to get in.

"There is no way you are going into this institute smelling like a that!" The bouncer growled, barely opening his thin lips.

"And who the fuck are you to say that you meat head! You don't even own this 'institute'!" She screamed back in a thick southern accent, aiming her tiny fist at his thick neck. Graham watched the scene unfold in amusement, such a petite woman thinking she could take on a man twice her size.

But before things could really heat up, a high pitched screech cried from beside them. A sleek black car had pulled up right by the entrance, halting all activity in the line. Even the bouncer seemed to hold his thoughts. Who was this?

All questions where answered when the car door opened to reveal....

Graham's breath hitched she stood in front of the car, nodding to her chauffer to park the car. She was, amazing, beautiful, lovely, sexy.

The fist thing that made her stand out was her hair, it was huge; towering inches above her, it reached to her buttocks in a long black pleat. She had the most delicious figure, slim but voluptuous. Her breasts were lovingly held by the almost skimpy slip of material wrapped round her chest with a huge fur coat lazily thrown over her shoulders, leaving nothing to imagination.

She had the figure of a goddess, well toned with soft curves in all the right places. You could see them in their full mocha glory till the low waist band of her leather pants. A mix of different leathers, hugging her lower features and long, long legs. On her feet, she wore a pare of thick, chunky, studded, heeled boot, almost missed by the wide hem of the pants.

But what caught Graham off guard was her face. It was concealed by a pair of frameless, mirrored shades; only her cute nose and plump, deep cherry lips were in view. Her cheeks were a little round, but face had a strong structure while still looking cute and youthful. She was strange, otherworldly, and it intrigued Graham greatly.


Ama almost laughed at the pathetic scene she saw before her. Even before she pulled up in front of The Hamster Wheel, she could see the Bulldog's veins popping out of his meaty neck in agitation. She felt sorry for the poor guy, constantly having to deal with scrawny little squats who disrespect club rules, and all just to protect her, even if she didn't need it all the time.

He had a point though, the girl was too obviously drunk, she stank of alcohol, even her drab cloths had wine stains all over them. Not to mention she had been victim to the wet weather. And this woman thought it was ok to go out clubbing such a state?

Ama walked towards them, seeing Bulldog relax a little before she stood in front of them both. She gave him a slight nod before tuning to the girl on her right.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"M-M-Missy ma'am." The girl stammered out in reply

"And what do you think assaulting the bouncer is going to for you?"

"I-I-" But she was immediately cut off.

"Listen to the bouncer when he says you're not fit to enter, what made you think it was a good idea to come here already drunk? What were you coming here to do? Drink more?" Ama tutted, disappointed. "Did you come here alone Missy?"

Missy just nodded.

Ama sighed with pity, whatever she was going through must be bad for her to be wandering the streets, drunk and alone. "Come with me, and lets get you sobered up huh? Then Bulldog here will take you home. Is that okay?"

Another nod. Ama sighed, taking off her fur coat and and putting it over Missy's shoulders. She turned to Bulldog, nodding to the entrance. He let out a small chuckle shaking his head in amusement.

"Are you sure about this Ama?" He said sceptically. "She could be one of them."

"She's not, I would know. Besides look at the poor thing, I'm not letting her leave here like this, it's not safe."

Bulldog sighed. "Whatever you say."

"Hey!" Came a voice. Three guys were making their way to the front of the line, causing unnecessary commotion.

"And what do you gentlemen think you're doing cutting in line like that?" Ama asked as they came up in front of her. "That's not how the rules here work."

"We saw the way to got that girl in, and thought you could do the same for us." one of them said through a laugh, he seemed a little young to be at such a place. "Well at least this stubborn mule thought so."

Ama turned to the one off to the left as he stepped forward. Never had she set on a man like him, the perfect balance of both beauty and handsomeness. He radiated sex appeal, strong jaw, blue green eyes and plump lips like a forbidden fruit. Muscles bulging beneath a black turtle neck and black jeans. He was a strong man; it made Ama hungry to think of what she could do with him.

She leaned towards his face, smiling slightly before she whispered. "Dance with me."

But instead of accepting the offer, he asked a question.

"What makes you think you can do that? This club has a no VIP policy you know? And I know the owner of The Hamster Wheel." He said through tightly pursed lips. It shouldn't have turned her on so much, but it did, and she wanted to push more.

"You're absolutely right sir, there is no VIP here. But see, I have the privilege of getting absolutely anything that I want" She grinned sweetly, winking at him then turning to his friends. "Would you boys like to dance?"

Both guys nodded eagerly and followed her inside.

"Don't let him inside yet, let him suffer a little." She whispered to Bulldog as she went by. He only smirked in reply.


Graham was left astounded when his cousins turned around to give him an apologetic shrug. Not many people challenged him, not many women that was. Usually they were too busy trying to spend a night with him. With exception of his mother, sister, Ms. Nancy and Mel, Graham had grown so accustomed to desperate women or prissy princesses, not that this woman seemed any different from the latter.

It annoyed, yet intrigued him. He made a move to enter but was block by the bouncers bull like body.

"Sorry buddy, back of the line."


Chapter two edited. Love you all!!

Bo xxx

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