In the garden - SoRoku (Smut)

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I was sat in the garden under the trees at the back so I was hidden from view, reading my book. Well it wasn't really a book, it was a comic. Im that geeky kid in school who doesn't have many friends but is really into movies and video games. I only really had three friends, Axel, Xion and Namine.

Sora, on the other hand, knew everybody. He was friends with everybody and he loved everybody. They all loved him back too. I have no idea why Sora had taken an interest in me, he was the most popular kid in school and I was the least.

Sora's best friend Riku was popular to, although he was more likely the kind of person to shove people over when they got in his way. Sora was more likely the kind to pick that poor kid back up again. They were total opposites but they ruled the school.

Ok I admit it, I have the teeniest tiniest crush on Sora. No big deal right? Right. So what if my heart skips a beat when I see him, and my legs go wobbly when he stands near me and that my heart jumps into my throat every time he speaks to me. No big deal. "Rox! Sora's here!" My Mom called from the kitchen.

My stomach squirmed, Sora was in my house! Well that's nothing new, he also happens to be my next door neighbour. And now he's opening my kitchen door, and coming into my garden. Oh no, of course I chose today to wear my old hanging out clothes, the ones I only wear when Im feeling particularly lazy. "Roxas?" God his voice is like an angel's.

Just stay quiet he can't see you, he won't come over. He already knows you're in the garden dumbass! You're Mom told him! A voice in my head said. Damn you voice. I closed my comic quietly and shuffled more into the trees. "Are we playing hide and seek? Coming ready or not" His voice was full of laughter. It wasn't mocking, but it was very very sexy. Ok the laughing was really turning me on. Crap.

I stood up slowly desperately trying to be quiet and control my blush at the same time. Hot breath tickled the back of my neck "Boo" A voice said close in my ear. I jumped like 50 ft in the air and let out a small shriek. "Hey Roxy" My breath caught feeling the proximity, he was very close. I gave up trying to make my blush go down, it wasn't going to happen.

"H-Hi Sora" I stuttered, he chuckled. I went to move away from him and turn around but I felt his arms snaking around my waist, holding me there against his body. Ok Roxas just Breath this isnt a big deal. Who am I kidding? This is a huge deal. That damn voice in my head again.

 "We gotta stay quiet Roxy, or your mom might hear" He whispered in my ear making my knees go weak. 

All I could manage was a breathless "Ok..." He smiled against my neck and began kissing it, nipping and sucking on the skin leaving bruises down my neck. I tilted my head to give him more access trying to keep my heart beat under control.

He lowered me to the floor so I was lying on my back, I looked up at him as he crouched over me with his knees resting in between my legs. His gaze was filled with something I'd never thought I'd see from him, especially not directed at me. 

His eyes trailed down my body hungrily, clouded with lust. His lips reattached themselves to my neck and my breath caught in the back of my throat. This was actually happening. His hand was slowly making its way under my shirt and up my bare chest. 

His mouth moved away from my neck to my jaw, then again until his lips were pressed hard against mine in a passionate kiss. My head was spinning with the overpowering feeling of lust, the feeling I'd kept bottled up for too long now. 

I felt his finger tips brush over my right nipple and sent a shudder through my body. He gave it a tight squeeze and I gasped into the kiss. He took that as an opportunity to slide his hot tongue into my mouth. 

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