Molecular imbalance-Marvex

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"Vexy!" Marluxia sang as he entered Vexen's lab. Vexen groaned. His work was being interrupted again, that was the third day this week Marluxia had invaded his lab.

"Can I help you Marluxia?" Vexen said unable to hide the weariness in his voice.

"What are you working on?" Marluxia asked. He didn't really care what Vexen was working on, he just wanted an excuse to spend time with the older nobody. He loved watching Vexen work. He knew he annoyed Vexen by coming in here so often, but he couldn't stay away.

"Did any of that actually go in Marluxia?" Vexen asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Um yeah sure. Something about.... a.... molecular imbalance?" Marluxia guessed.

"So you do listen to me then" Vexen smirked. That hadn't been what Vexen was saying but at least Marluxia had listened to him about something this week. He had been studying molecular imbalance the day before.

Marluxia sat down to watch him. Vexen sighed "Must you stay?" Marluxia looked down at his hands in his lap.

"I can leave if you want me to" He said standing up. Vexen sighed once again. How could he throw Marluxia out when he had such a crestfallen look on his face?

"Sit down Marluxia" Vexen told him. Marluxia sat again imediately, his face lighting up. Vexen couldn't help smiling slightly at the happy look on Marluxia's face.

Marluxia was annoying. He irritated Vexen so much. However, Vexen couldn't say no to the nobody with bubble gum pink hair.

After a few hours of experimenting Vexen looked up at Marluxia to find his head resting on the lab table, his eyes were shut and he was snoring quietly.

Vexen stood up and retrieved a blanket from his desk. Bringing it back over and wrapping it around Marluxia. Marluxia murmured quietly in his sleep "Thanks Vexy....."

Vexen smiled and started packing up his experiments before sitting back down next to Marluxia and falling asleep.


Short one but I had to do a little marvex.

Please give some feedback

Dance water dance

~ Sam xoxo

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