Journals and Knives-Akuroku

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This chapter was suggested by YoutubeLover_13. Thanks for the suggestion!

Roxas looked at his reflection in the mirror. The words ugly, worthless and pathetic sprung immediately to mind. That's what everyone always said. They'd said it so often he'd begun to believe it.

The school toilets were smelly and dirty, but Roxas found comfort and solace in the tiny cubicle. He thought about his life, how it had gone from bad to worse in the space of only a year.

Because a year ago, everything changed. Because a year ago, his mother died. A year ago his brother, Cloud, had left. And a year ago his Father decided it was all Roxas' fault.

Pulling his shirt off Roxas' trailed his finger across the scars that littered his chest, from when his Father had decided to punish him for the things he had done.

His eyes fell to the bandages he had wrapped from just below his elbow to his hand on both arms. he tugged them off quickly.

He looked down at his wrists. There were cuts zig zagging across each other and over lapping. Some where recent and others were older. It was the only way Roxas' could get rid of the turmoil inside his head.

He pulled a small knife out of a hidden inside pocket in his jacket and held it against his wrist. A quick slice was all it took to reopen a previous cut. Roxas winced in pain and a few tears fell. But the physical pain was better than the mental pain he usually felt.

After he was satisfied he put the bandages back on his now bleeding arms. He wiped blood off the floor and put his knife back in his pocket.

Grabbing his bag he unlocked the door and left the toilets. He'd missed his lesson so he just went straight to lunch. He sat down on a picnic bench outside, where he always sat. The bell rung and students started filling out onto the grass.

Roxas got out his journal and started writing. He'd been keeping a journal since he was old enough to hold a pen, his mom had encouraged him to.

Roxas was so intent on his writing that he had't heard someone come over and sit on the bench next to him. The tall red headed boy looked over his shoulder as he wrote. "Hey Roxy" Axel said in his ear making him jump.

"Axel!" Roxas squealed slamming his journal shut. Axel sniggered at Roxas' reaction, then turned serious.

"Where were you all last lesson?" axel asked piercing him with his bright green eyes. So far Roxas had done well at hiding his self harm from his best friend by making up excuses like "I fell asleep" or "I wasn't feeling well" and "I had to go see my councillor" But not Axel was getting suspicious.

"Nowhere important I just had some important work to finish" Roxas said bustling around putting his journal back in his bag. Axel narrowed his eyes.

"Don't lie to me Roxas" He said his voice full of concern. Roxas shifted nervously keeping his back to Axel.

"Im not l-lying" Roxas lied.

"I can always tell when you're lying to me Rox, and it's been everyday recently. Im sick of it. If you don't want to tell me, fine, but don't lie to me about it" Axel said softly. He didn't sound angry or upset, his voice was full of disappointment, which only made Roxas feel worse.

Suddenly Axel grabbed Roxas' arm and spun him round his hands reaching for his sleeve. "W-what are you doing?" Roxas stammered trying to get his arm back. Axel held on and began pulling the sleeve up. "N-no! Axel d-don't!" Roxas cried frantically trying yo get away.

Axel ignored the younger boy and pulled his sleeve up. He saw the bandages and began unwrapping them, despite Roxas' pleads of escape. The bandages fell to the floor and Axel let out a gasp. "Roxas..."

"I-I-I-I" Roxas tried.

"Did you do this?" Axel asked his voice hollow. Roxas looked down and slowly, slowly nodded his head. He felt tears form in his eyes and spill down his face.

Axel quickly pulled Roxas onto his knee and held him close. Roxas cried into his chest for the rest of their lunch break. Just before the bell went Axel spoke up "You have to promise me you'll stop doing this Roxas" He said looking straight into Roxas' eyes. Again, Roxas nodded slowly.

"I p-promise"

"Good. Now give me the knife." Axel demanded holding his hand out. Roxas went into his pocket and pulled the knife out, placing it in Axel's outstretched hand. "From now on you talk to me. You don't try and handle things on your own. Im here for you, got it memorized?"

Roxas nodded and smiled. He felt like a great weight had been lifted from his chest. Things were going to be alright now, he had his best friend to help him through anything. He knew soon he'd start to be happy again.

And true to his word Roxas never self harmed again.

Once again thanks YoutubeLover_13 for the suggestion!

Apologies if it got a little cheesy in the end! Vote comment suggest etc

Dance water dance

~ Sam xoxo

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