Uncaring - Xemsai Lemon (Smut)

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"Siax from Class 13 to the headmasters office please"

Siax stood up from his desk immediately, a chorus of "Ohhhhh"s following him as he left the class room. This wasn't an irregular occurrence, the headmaster always wanted to see him.

Siax liked the attention he got from headmaster Xemnas, although he didn't understand it... Xemnas always seemed like such an uncaring man yet always summoned the boy to keep him company.

Siax quickened his pace. Xemnas' office was on the other side of the school and Siax knew better than to keep Xemnas waiting. He was an impatient man that much was true.

The reception area outside the office was deserted, the single desk empty. Siax never saw the receptionist, she was always on an errand when he was called here. He left his bag next to the desk and proceeded to Xemnas' door.

He knocked once, quietly, half hoping there wouldn't be an answer half hoping there would be. He shuffled his feet waiting.

"Enter" A soft voice spoke from inside. Soft but tainted with threat and cruelty. Obediently Siax pushed the door open to reveal the room completely succumbed in darkness. With shaking feet he stepped inside and closed the door. "What took you so long?" The same voice spoke

"I was on the other side of school sir" Siax replied keeping the shakiness out of his voice, knowing what was coming next. He stepped further into the room, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

The sound of the lock clicking behind him never failed to make him jump. Smooth hands found there way to his waist from behind. "You know I don't like to be kept waiting" Xemnas murmured in his ear. Hot breath tickling his neck caused Saix to shudder.

"I-it won't happen again sir" Saix stammered, afraid he had angered Xemnas. To his great relief Xemnas chuckled.

"I don't doubt it child" Xemnas told him tenderly. Breathing a sigh of relief Saix relaxed and allowed Xemnas' strong tanned arms to encircle him, pulling his neatly tucked in shirt out of his trousers.

A pair of soft, wet lips met Siax's neck, kissing him roughly, licking and sucking on the skin. Siax tilted his head giving Xemnas more access. While Xemnas' lips worked at leaving hickeys down Siax's neck his hands were working at unbuttoning his shirt.

Every kiss and caress sent tingles of pleasure through Siax's body. He could feel Xemnas' arousal pressing up against him, a moan escaped his lips. His shirt was pulled roughly from his shoulders and discarded somewhere on the floor.

The lips moved down and across his shoulder, the pleasure this was causing began building up in Siax's own arousal, more guttural moans escaping. Hands moved up and over his chest, tracing over the muscles sending shivers cascading through his body. "Take the rest off" Xemnas ordered at he tweaked and teased Siax's nipples until they were hard little nubs.

Siax quickly kicked his shoes and fumbled with the zipper of his trousers, afraid of what Xemnas would do if he didn't comply. A sharp pain twisted through Siax's shoulder where Xemnas had bitten him. The pain ebbed when he felt a rough tongue trailing over the bite.

His trousers fell to the floor and Siax kicked them away. Xemnas' hand snaked its way down to his boxers and tugged at the waistband "All of them" His lust filled voice growled. Siax hastily grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, being careful not to brush Xemnas' hand in the process. Xemnas liked to be in control, so Siax remained powerless to him.

He felt himself being roughly pushed against a wall and emitted a gasp of surprise. He heard Xemnas unzipping his own trousers, he never took his clothes off not completely. He did this to remind Siax that he was superior and in control.

Xemnas didn't hesitate before he thrust his hard member into Siax's entrance. Pain clouded Siax's mind, but he was used to it. Being penetrated without preparation was old news to Siax, Xemnas was too impatient to prepare him properly.

Xemnas only waited a few minutes to allow Siax to adjust to his size before he began to withdraw himself almost to the tip then slamming back in to the hilt.

The pain quickly subsided and was replaced by unimaginably pleasure. Siax saw stars when Xemnas almost instantly hit his prostate and released a loud moan from his lips. "Touch yourself" Xemnas commanded.

Immediately Siax trailed his hand down to his own throbbing arousal and began stroking and teasing himself. Xemnas moaned as he watched Siax and felt waves of pleasure coarse through his body.

Soon he felt Siax tense up beneath him and knew what was coming. Siax screamed his name before releasing all over his hand. The muscles around Xemnas' member tightened and pushed him over the edge, filling Siax with his release. He continued to thrust until they had each rode out their orgasms before pulling out. Siax gave a small whimper at the sudden emptiness and Xemnas smirked.

Siax slumped against the wall, completely spent. He felt hands on his shoulders guide him over to a sofa where he collapsed. A soft warm blanket was thrown on top of him and a voice said in his ear "Rest here until the end of next period, then go back to lesson" Xemnas placed a soft kiss on his lips before allowing the tired boy to sleep.

People said Xemnas was heartless and uncaring, but that wasn't true. As harsh as he came across his care and love for the boy ran deep beneath his skin. All the way into the heart many said he didn't have.


Ok I thought of this and felt disturbed. This is my first proper lemon chapter and it was horrible to write! It's unlikely that I'll do many more unless I get a request. If you do want a smutty chapter you have to tell me the pairing.

Virtual cookies for whoever suggests anything and gives me some feedback

Dance Water Dance

~ Sam xoxo

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