Eternities and Blood- Zemyx

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The figure observed him from afar, not daring to get any closer. There he was dancing around his second story bedroom of the children's home he lived in, singing at the top of his lungs.

Zexion watched him and watched him, like he did every night since Demyx had been put in there. Zexion remembered the day the social worker came to their school and took him away. Demyx hadn't been unhappy at home, Demyx wasn't an unhappy person.

Demyx's parents, Zexion growled at the thought, his mother a prostitute and his father a drug dealer.... Zexion's fangs burned with the desire of tearing their throats out for giving Demyx such a hard time in life.

But Demyx was safe now, he would no longer have to hide away while his mother worked or be forced to listen as she pleasured strangers. Nor would he have to go days without food, at school they thought he didn't buy anything because he wasn't hungry, not the fact that he had no munny to buy food with.

Here he had clean clothes, clean bed, three meals a day and people who would look after him properly. Yet, Zexion still watched. Alert as always allowing his enhanced senses to run wild.

He could hear everything, see everything... smell everything. He listened intently to Demyx's song. He was a good singer, he strummed notes on his sitar while he sang.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now"

Zexion closed his eyes and sighed listening. Demyx was the only person who knew him... knew what he was. A vampire. A monster.

"And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight"

He'd found out weeks ago, when they first met. Zexion had been drawn to the blonde so much that when they were left alone in the locker room.... Zexion grimaced at the memory.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

Demyx's sweet, warm blood flowing down his throat mixed with the sweet scent of sea air Demyx carried with him all the time. Just thinking about it brought a low moan to the back of Zexion's throat.

"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive"

The feeling of ecstasy Zexion got as he felt the warm hot, blood satisfying the thirst in his stomach. It didn't help that Demyx had been wearing speedos for his swim practise, that had been a real turn on.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

Demyx hadn't moved. He hadn't struggled or screamed. He had simply stood and let Zexion drink from him. Only after pinning Demyx to a locker with his inhuman strength with the intention of sucking the life from him, did Zexion snap out of it. Demyx slid down the locker drifting in and out of consciousness.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

Panicking, Zexion pulled Demyx up again and helped him to the bench. Without hesitation he sunk his fangs into his own wrist, wincing slightly at the sudden pain, and put it in Demyx's mouth ordering him to drink.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

Obediently Demyx drank allowing the bites on his neck to heal, then sat up and stared at Zexion, who had backed i to a corner as far away as he could wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He then told Demyx everything. To his surprise, Demyx hadn't ran or hid from him in terror. He looked at him the way he always did, with love. But the damage had already been done, now the pair had a blood tie, the cravings Zexion had for Demyx's blood would never go away and their connection would only get stronger.

"I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am"

As the song ended Zexion was brought out of his memory. He stood watch over Demyx every night to ensure he was safe from other vampires. He staked his claim over Demyx, marked him as his own. He wouldn't let any one else have him, he wouldn't. He was selfish like that.

Unable to resist his throbbing canines any longer he approach the building, his grey catlike eyes forever scanning for danger. In one swift movement Zexion leaped up and landed on the window sill of Demyx's already open window.

Silent as a predator on it's hunt he crept into the room. Demyx was just placing his sitar on it's hook on the wall, his back to the window, when Zexion stalked towards him and wrapped his arms round the younger boys waist.

Demyx jumped "Ah!" He exclaimed then continued as he realised who it was "Zexy you scared me!"

"Sorry Demy" Zexion murmured into Demyx's ear, earning him a shudder. "I loved your song, did you write it?" Zexion asked continuing to keep his voice low and close to Demyx's neck. Demyx blushed scarlet.

"I wrote it for you" He said in a small voice, nervous and anxious that Zexion wouldn't like his song.

"It was beautiful Demy" Zexion purred, Demyx breathed a sigh of relief happy to have Zexion's approval. "Just like you" Zexion continued, earning a deeper blush from Demyx.

Demyx turned around to face Zexion. "I didn't think you would come" Demyx said a hint of worry in his tone.

"I'll always come" Zexion assured him. Demyx nodded and wrapped his arms securely around Zexion's neck. Smirking Zexion placed his arms round Demyx's waist planting a soft, tender kiss on his lips.

He could taste the sea salt on Demyx's lips. As the kiss deepened and got heavier Zexion pushed Demyx back onto the bed before using his vampiric speed to pin him. He littered Demyx's neck with kisses, a sweet moan escaping the boys lips. "I'm so hungry Dem...." He admitted slightly ashamed at how only Demyx could satisfy him.

"Then drink" Demyx said softly tilting his head and offering his neck. Unable to wait any longer for his meal Zexion sunk his fangs into Demyx's neck. Hot, sticky blood filled his mouth causing him to moan with the pleasure it brought.

Knowing how easily he could kill Demyx, Zexion had trained himself to only take enough to last him till the next night. Once he had drunk his fill he withdrew from Demyx's neck. "Thank you Demy" He purred as he licked the remaining blood off Demyx's neck.

"It's ok.." Demyx breathed. Zexion smiled down at his little human. His. No one elses. He kissed Demyx, down his neck across his shoulders, his jawline, his cheek bone. Affectionately nipping his skin.

"I love you Demyx" Zexion said into his little humans neck.

"I love you too" Demyx said back breathlessly. Zexion smiled. The night was spent with the two wrapped up together leaving small kisses of affection all over each others bodies. Their Jeans and shirts ended up on the floor so the two were laying in only their boxers. Each kiss and caress showed how much love was shared between the other.

Zexion new that one day, if he wanted to remain with Demyx, he would have to turn him. Maybe with Demyx by his side an eternity as a vampire wouldn't be such a bad thing.....

Another one done! That's like the second in a week, I'm on a roll.

Had help with this one again, well kinda, thanks to the Cloaked Schemer. Check out her fan fics she's done a few kingdom hearts ones.

If anyone's interested the song I used was "Iris" by the Goo goo dolls. Awesome song you should definitely check it out.

Dance water dance

~ Sam xoxo

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