Of trust funds and science tests-Marvex

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Marluxia had everything. He had popularity, good looks, a rich famous family and the hottest girlfriend in the school to boot.

But Marluxia wasn't normal. He was seventeen years old, he was tall, lean and muscular but oddly feminine. Pink hair that fell past his shoulders in soft waves and a gently demeanour set Marluxia aside. He gossiped and giggled like most of the girls, and cared more about his hair than the whole senior year put together.

Where other boys his age played football, Marluxia grew flowers. Where any other guy in the school would be delighted to have Larxene, the head cheerleader, as their girlfriend Marluxia was not. He didn't want Larxene. Marluxia was ashamed to admit his true reasons for dating her.

It was all about his image. He had to come across as the son of a rich business man. He had 10,000,000 munny waiting for him in his trust fund when he turned eighteen in just six months. He was expected to carry on his father's business, his legacy. The very thought made Marluxia gag. The very thought made him want to throw up.

Marluxia was walking to his lesson, already 15 minutes late because he'd gone for a walk. Thankfully it was his favourite lesson with his favourite teacher. Science. With Vexen.

The thought of his teacher sent a chill down his spine. He remembered he had his science tutoring tonight, as he did almost every night. He and Vexen had a system that was working well as Marluxia's grade had increased dramatically.

He arrived at the class room. Vexen didn't even need to look up to Know who it was. Marluxia always carried a sort of floweriness with him. Along with the air of lateness. It annoyed Vexen greatly, but he was never cross. If anyone else had wandered into his classroom late the whole school would be able to hear him yell about it.

Vexen didn't pick favourites, but if he did, Marluxia would be his. "Sorry I'm late.... Sir" Marluxia smirked adding emphasis to the sir. They had agreed to drop formalities when they were out of lessons and Marluxia, knew even in lessons he had a certain amount of power over Vexen.

"Detention" Vexen said not looking up

"Same time same place as usual sir?" Marluxia asked keeping his tone sickly sweet. Marluxia received a detention every time he was late, which was almost every lesson, and he loved it. His detention and tutoring sessions were Marluxia's favourite times of the week. Without looking up, Vexen nodded.

With another smirk Marluxia sauntered to the back of the room and sat next to Larxene. He lazily draped his arm across the back of her chair and kissed her cheek. "Hey baby" He whispered in her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck, earning a quiet moan. Vexen didn't miss this exchange of affection and felt a prang of jealousy in his chest.

"Save it for the playground you two" Vexen snapped. Marluxia sniggered, realising he'd hit a nerve.

Throughout the lesson Marluxia continued flirting with Larxene knowing Vexen would be fuming by the end of it. The bell rang and students started filing out.

Marluxia and Larxene were the last to leave hands entwined. "See you tonight sir" Marluxia called looking over his shoulder, giving Vexen a wink before leaving.

When the end of school approached Vexen entered his office and closed the blinds. Turning on his desk light he sat down and began some marking before Marluxia arrived. Marluxia always turned up half an hour after the end of school, so he could get changed.

Vexen unfastened his tie and put it on a clothes horse in the corner with his blazer. He pulled his hair out of the messy ponytail he kept it in during the day and let it fall around his face. There was a knock on the door. "Come in" Vexen called knowing who it was. Right on time he thought.

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