"That makes me really happy, El."

"What about you? What'll you do?"

"Well..." I tuck my hair behind my ear and smile. "I'm actually turning eighteen tomorrow." With all the chaos going on, I didn't even realize it myself until now.

"No shit, really?" Elliot grins wide. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks. First things first, I have to stand on trial against Colt. But the cops say the case is strong—he's going to jail for sure. Aside from that, I have an inheritance coming in, and I'll be getting shares in my dad's company. I'm going to be well off, and I want to do something good with it."

"Like what?"

"I don't know... I mean, maybe this sounds stupid, but I could start a charity or something, you know? There are so many homeless kids in this city and I feel like we're not doing enough about it. We need more shelters, and I guess... I guess I just want to do something good with my money. I want to help people."

A bright, dopey smile stretches his face. "That's amazing, Lucy. You should totally do that."

"I will. I'll be broke for a little while longer, but I'm glad I made it to eighteen. There were times where I wasn't sure I would."

"Me too. I'm also glad to be here."

More silence seeps into the room, but it isn't tense. It's calming in here; the smell of incense comforts me. I can picture Elliot finding a balance in a place like this. I can picture him getting the help he needs. But it still hurts so much that I can't be here for him.

As much as I want this moment to last forever, sitting here stings, because this isn't a conversation; this is a goodbye. I have to say it, right? It's now or never.

I love you.

I love you.

But the words won't come out of my mouth; they're cemented to my throat.

He takes them from me.

"I love you, Lucy."

I meet his honest eyes, and I can't hold it down anymore. I let it all out and just cry. I cover my eyes with my hands and sob into them.

"You were the best thing that ever happened to me, Elliot."

I love you too.

But it's too hard to say; it will only make it impossible to leave. I can't tell him, but maybe I don't need to. Maybe he already knows.

He grabs my hands, and I flinch at the familiar feeling of his warm skin on mine. "Hey, don't worry. You were really the best thing that ever happened to me too. I'll always love you, no matter what."

I stand. "I should go."


Dabbing my tears with the sleeve of my flannel, I try to calm my racing heart. "What is it?"

"I know that we're breaking up for good, but... can I at least get a hug or something?"

I laugh and rush up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he hugs me back, tighter than he ever has. We stand like that for what could be minutes or an eternity, but I have to go, so I pull away and press my lips to his forehead.

"See yah, Junior."

He smiles. "Later, Street Girl."

I run my hands along his shoulders, touching him one more time. I'll hold this memory of him forever; how his cheeks redden when he's nervous; how he smells like clean laundry and cinnamon spice. He's the only boy I've ever loved, and even if we're not together, he'll follow me. He'll motivate me to do better, to be better.

Because even though our relationship is over, our lives will go on. Because that's what eras do; they end. And that's okay. I'm ready to move on without him, and he's ready to move on without me.

I stop before the exit and give him one last smile. His grin is broken, but he waves to me anyway. With a nod, I open the door.

Once more, I leave him.

But this time, he lets me go. 

* * *

I'm now @ taylorellory on all platforms. You can find updates about my writing and my career mostly on my Twitter and Instagram, but also my website www.taylorellory.com

*UPDATE 2021 - keep reading for the epilogue*

*UPDATE 2023 - and the sequel ;-)*

A/N: Thank you so, so much for reading. I've rewritten and edited this story more than any of my others. I started it in 2016, and the last time I worked on this version was in 2018. I truly hope you enjoyed it. Please keep this in your library, or follow me for updates on the future of Street Girl (publication, rewrites, etc).

Some questions:

1. Who was your favourite character and why?

2. What was your favourite part?

3. Is there anything you would personally change about this book?

4. How did Street Girl, as a whole, make you feel?

Thank you so much for reading, and do let me know how you felt about the ending! <3

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