A/N update lol

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hi guys, its ya girl Rachel here.

I'm writing this before school (I'm back after a long time of being absent).

I realized I haven't written anything about Sniper yet, so he might be next. If y'all have ideas for a story, then comment.

I don't have a study hall until 5th period. Which I actually can't use for writing the story because I have a thing I need to do. I was gonna write then, but I remembered I can't.

Also it was my 18th birthday a few days ago. Now I can write smut without feeling guilty about it. lol.

Idk how many ppl actually read this story, but I know a few of you do. But idk if anyones gonna see this before the new omeshot comes out.

ALSO: changed the cover. It's now a kawaii blushing Sniper >w<.

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