Scout x depressed! reader: "Here for you"

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You walked to your room quietly. The battle was over and your team won. The team was headed back to the base to chill for the rest of the day. Everybody was talking and laughing, except for you. You went to your room and shut the door. You fell down on your bed. You were exhausted. You start to drift off as your thoughts race through your head.

You woke up with Soldier yelling "Dinner is in 5 minutes, maggots!" in the hall. You just sigh and close your eyes and drift off again.

~Switching to Scout's POV~

I ran as fast as I could to the dining room. It was tuesday so that meant there was tacos for dinner. I sat down at the table. I was the only there that early. Suddenly, I heard a noise. Spy appeared and sat down across from me. He just smirks at me.

"What ya smirking 'bout Spy? Don't make me wipe dat smirk off ya face." I told him.

He just laughs a smug laugh and snorts just a little. "It's obvious zhat 'ou have a crush on (Y/N), why dont 'ou tell 'er."

"How did you know?" I was shocked.

"Well, 'ou stare at 'er a lot. And I can see 'ou blushing as 'ou do. I can just tell that 'ou want to be more than friends with 'er."

"....maybe I do have a crush on her." I said in defeat, not wanting to fight the feeling I had for (Y/N).

He just laughs "Good. Why don't 'ou tell 'er."

"I will, after dinner." I told him.

Suddenly everybody comes in the dinning room. Engineer brings out the tacos. Everyone starts eating...everyone except (Y/N). I wonder where she was? I ignore it and eat.

~back to you~

you hear a knocking at your door. you wake up.

"Heya (Y/N)" It was Scout, you were relieved it wasn't Soldier here to yell at you about missing dinner. "Ya missed dinner. Are ya ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok" you say, lying about how you really felt.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

He comes in and sees you lying in bed.

"Were you takin' a nap?" He asks.

"Yeah, I was exhausted." you tell him.

"Well I can't relate because I'm always full of energy." He laughs a little. You look at him. You think his laugh is kinda cute. It almost makes you happy. You kinda had a crush on him, but you knew he would never feel the same way. You were just an emotionally unstable person with issues. You weren't even attractive. He would much rather go out with a more confident and attractive person. Not a person like you.

"So, why don't we play some video games? I just got overwatch and its fun." He asked.

You look away "No thanks, I'm not really feeling it right now."

"What?! But you love video games? You would never say no to a new video game! What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

You look at him with sadness in your eyes "It's just...nothing feels good anymore. Nothing is fun anymore. What's the point in anything? What's the point in life?" Tears start building up in your eyes.

Suddenly he hugs you. "(Y/N), don't say that! There is always a point to life. It's to have fun and enjoy yourself. If nothing feels good anymore, then you should talk to Medic. He might be able to help. And I'm always here for ya. I care about ya, I just want you to be happy."


You both were in Medic's office. Medic was asking questions about you.

"Vell, I never got a degree in psychology, but I can tell zhat you have depression. Here are some pills zhat should help." Medic gives you a bottle of pills. "Make sure to take zhem everyday, or else it von't vork."

"Thank you" You tell him.

You and Scout walk out of medic's office. You decide to play video games after all. You keep playing for a while. You hear loud footsteps and see Soldier.

"What are you maggots doing up?! It's midnight! Go to bed because you better be ready at 6 am sharp! No excuses!"

You and Scout go to the hall way with your rooms. You arrive at your door.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He suddenly kisses you. He pulls away and looks at you "Sorry I just always wanted to do that, sorry if you don't feel the same way."

You kiss him back. "It's ok, I like you too."

He smiles. "Goodnight (Y/N)."

((author notes: hey this is my first tf2 fanfic. sorry if I get the accents wrong ^^. Also this is kinda personal because I deal with depression and take medicine for it. Remember to take your medicine and stay safe guys ^^ also I found a video of Scout's voice actor telling you to take your meds, which is what inspired this. )

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