Spy x Heartbroken! Reader: "back home"

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((kids get ur permission slips signed, bcuz we're going on a FEELS trip :D, btw im listening to this and it might help u get in the mood of this fic))

You were so happy. The love of your life had just proposed to you. You knew him as Spy, he said he would tell you his real name when you got married. You two had been dating for a year. You stayed with him despite the fact he had a dangerous job that meant he couldn't always be there for you. But, he always came back. He was never gone for more than a week. When he came back, you two would kiss in the privacy of your home. At times, he was distant towards you, especially around others. He didn't display much pda because he didn't want his enemies going after you, and he had to keep up that mysterious factor of his. But, there were times where he would show you his love. 

But then, he disappeared one night with a letter on the bed side table.

"I have to leave for a job. I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll ever come back. I know this is sudden. I love you.

Tears escaped your eyes as you woke up. You were dreaming about him again. It had been months, he never came back to marry you as he planned on. You felt the cold night air hit you, you didn't remember keeping your window open before bed. You look up and see a dark figure at the end of your bed. You try to make out his face with the moonlight coming in the room.

"Spy?" You gasp.

"Oui, it is me." He sadly says.

Tears start to form in your eyes. "Where were you? I missed you and you just left and-" You started sobbing. "You were the sunshine in my dark life. I was so happy with you and then you just left without telling me." You looked up at him, your vision too blurred by tears to see his reaction. "You...you...you..." You wanted to be angry, you wanted to yell at him. But you just sobbed instead.

He breaks the silence. "I know, what I did was terrible. But I had no choice." You just keep crying. "I missed you everyday. Not a moment went by that I didn't think of you." You tried to stop crying. "But I am back now. I am here and I love you. So please stop crying, mon amour." He sits down and wipes the tears away.

You both lie down. You cuddle him, clinging onto him for dear life, as if he would disappear if you didn't.

"Don't ever leave me again." 

"I won't" he assures you. "I retired early. I have enough money to do that now." You stare into his eyes. "I gave it up because I want to be with you. I don't want to see you sad again. We can finally get married and live happily."

You just spend the next few minutes cuddling in silence. You felt his warmth and heard his heartbeat. You felt like this was real and not a dream. Your eyelids start to get heavy. You didn't want to sleep, you wanted to see him more, you wanted to make sure he wouldn't be gone when you wake up.

"Je t'aime." Was all you heard before you slipped back into unconsciousness. 

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