"Hey, you spilled my drink!" Finn said to Poe.

"We can just go get more." Poe said, dragging Finn over to a table with a pyramid of pears surrounded by glasses of the wine.

"Cheers." He said, handing both Finn and Rey drinks.

"I've never had wine before." Rey said, looking into the cup.

"It's your only night to be fancy. Drink up." Poe told her. They clinked glasses and drank to the night.


"And then, he was like ......*hic*.... Join me...... And I was like........ Whaaaaaaa?"

"Rey, you're drunk." Poe said to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"How much did she have?" Finn asked.

"Like, four glasses? I don't know" Poe said, leading Rey up the ramp of the Falcon.

"And I said, Ben don't do this."

"Uh huh.." The boys said together, not paying attention to her ramblings.

"And he just said please..... HA! He used manners. Hahahahaha." Rey continued to babble about the fight in the throne room.

"Great story." Poe said. "Hey, why don't you go lay down and get some rest Rey. We'll see you in the morning." Poe said, sitting her down on the couch at the holo chess table.

"Are you sure she will be okay by herself?" He asked Finn.

"Chewie's here." Finn said, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb. Chewie roared.

"Chewie!!!! Oh my gosh you guys, it's Chewie!!!!" Rey said, trying to stand up to greet the Wookiee.

Chewie roared at them, waving at them that he had it handled. One too many trips to the bar with Han back in the day had prepared him well. He gave her a glass of water and patted her head.

"Do you think I'm pretty, Chewie?" She asked. Chewie grumbled and whined a bit.

"Aw, thanks Chewie." She said, taking a sip of her water.

"Ben doesn't think I'm pretty. He'd rather have a Hos... Hosssss.... Hosnian whore over me."

Chewie gave her a very puzzled look. Rey began to laugh.

"Hahahaha. There aren't even any Hosnians left! Because.... Because..... They were blown up..... Poof!"

Chewie patted her head again and grumbled some more.

"You really think so Chewie?" Chewie shrugged. She gave the Wookiee a hug.

"Thanks." She sat there with him, braiding the fur on his arms as she calmed down from the wine.

"I want to go to bed now." She said dreamily. He helped her to her room, and went to go sleep in the cockpit as usual.


Stupid dress. Stupid Ben. Why didn't he like her? She was pretty. Even Chewie told her she was pretty. He was just.... He was just stupid. That was it. She saw how he looked at her when she arrived on Snokes cruiser. The light she felt in him always seemed the brightest when he was around her. When they touched hands the other day, it was almost surreal. Then he had to go and be mean again. He had to be Kylo Ren when all she wanted was Ben.

She would show him, she decided. She would get him back for what he said. But how? Oh yes. How he said he would prefer a whore over him. She could be sexy. She had seen the slave women Unkar occasionally had paid to dance for him.

Rey reached her hands up to her head and slowly released her bun, letting it slink down inch by inch. She propped up a foot on a stool and began to untie her sandals, the slit in her dress revealing the pink of her thighs.

She tossed the sandals aside and swayed her hips as she reached behind her neck to undo the clasp that held up her top. She let the clasp fall as she shook out the waves of her hair. Slowly and seductively, she unzipped the zipper that lay at the top of her hips. She slunk her hips side to side as she let the dress fall around her ankles, giving another flip of her hair.

She stepped out of the dress and knealt down, arching her back, as she picked it up off the floor. She swayed her hips some more as she reached for her linen bed top off a nearby chair. She let it fall slowly over her exposed breasts, reaching into the neck of the shirt to fish out the hair that had been tucked in as she dressed. With a smile to herself and a bite of her lip, she crawled into her bed, covering herself with her blanket, almost daring Ben to wake up in her bed again.

"What ARE you staring at?" Barked Hux.

Ben coughed sharply and hurriedly placed an arm over his lap. His face glowed red.

"Nothing.... It was nothing." He said, shaking his head, trying to shield his face from Hux.

Hux squinted suspiciously at the blank wall Ben had been staring at intently when he had entered the suite. Hux cleared his throat.

"Training will commence at 8 tomorrow. Try not to be late this time, Supreme Leader." He said.

"Mmmhmm." Ben said, continuing to shield his face and lap.

Hux gave one more weirded out look to Ben before turning and exiting the room.

"Force users...." He muttered to himself as the door hissed behind him.

Ben let out a held breath and grasped at his pants, adjusting his arousal.

One minute he was minding his own business, and then he had suddenly felt them connect.

He had turned around to ask her what sassy comeback she had for him in response to his earlier behavior, but he was unable to get anything out. She had already released her hair from its up-do and by the time she had released the top of her dress, he was in pure shock. His pants tightened again as he recalled how she dressed for bed, the shape of the fabric as it slowly covered her bare chest.

Then Hux had rudely burst in. 8 am, he had said. Don't be late this time, he said.

"Well, fuck." Ben said, as it was obvious he was not going to get any sleep tonight.

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