Chapter 14

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Your P.O.V.
I sighed heavily as I nervously sat beside Zane.
We leaned shoulder to shoulder together, only us knowing others didn't about one another.
Yes, we were just good friends, and I was fine with that.
I could wait.
I would wait for him.
The photo of me quickly got forgotten once Daniel and Aphmau were Alphas of the school.
I mean it has been what? Two years now?
It was graduation, something I wasn't really looking forward too, but yet I was.
Soon I felt a squeeze of my hand, I looked down to see Zane held it reassuringly.
We'll graduate... hopefully...
I grinned and hugged Zane tightly, he hugged back chuckling.
"WE ARE FINALLY OUT OF THIS SCHOOL!!" I cheered, breaking our hug.
He chuckled at my childish behavior which was rare now since I've been working hard in my studies.
Zane had changed a lot over the years.
He wore thick eyeliner and was more...goth like?
He got into fights a lot, which I ha do break him out of... a lot.
I mean look right now, he's off picking a fight with Aphmau!
I mentally sulked at my close friends actions, and ran over to them once I saw Daniel making his way over.
Beginning to tug on Zane's arm, I gave him a slight glare.
"C'mon. Let's go. There's no use on picking a fight now Zane." I muttered keeping my hold on him.
"But-","I know, just drop it for now..."
He hesitated but walked off grumpily with me.
"We'll attend the same college? Right?" He asked anxiously.
I giggled, "I hope so.. I mean, who else is gunna make sure you don't go picking fights everywhere?"
Zane cautiously looked around, as if to make sure no one saw him.
'When the cost was clear' he lowered his mask, revealing his soft smile.
This is the side I love about him.
His warm side.
I hugged him happily, "Now... can I get a drive from you?" I questioned.
Zane nodded, pulling his mask back up.
"Of course."
"Great!~"I smiled happily and parted from our hug, but Zanes visible eye widened, his skin paler than normal.
He looked directly behind me..
What was he looking at?
In confusion, I turned my head, my smile disappeared with a look of hatred, as fire burned in my eyes.
There in front of me stood, Asher.
I hadn't seen him in a while.
Last time I saw him was one year ago, he tried to date me again.
Been there, done that, not again.
NEVER again.
"Looky here, you graduated. You can date me, I promise I'll ravish you Y/n. Just give me a chance."
I gave him a disgusted look, and turned my body to face him.
"Get outta here." I spat crossing my arms.
"And why would I do that? When I could see you instead?" He said stepping towards me.
And in swift movement, she gripped my chin, leaning his face close too mine.
"Get lost you b*stard!" Zane hissed.
Asher chuckled menacingly, I gritted my teeth however, and kneed him in the gut.
"SON OF A B^TCH!" Asher hissed in pain.
He released me from his tight grip and held his gut, as if to ease the pain.
I turned around and ran to Zane, gripping his hand and ran with him, trying to lose Asher off our trial. 
Thankfully to my violence, it set him off a bit so he couldn't follow us immediately.
I ran in the forest, ducking branches and rocks to trip over.
We ran until it led us to the parking lot.
I panted, and curled my body over my knees in heaves of breaths.
"That....was close..." Zane panted, and corrected his posture.
"Y-yeah..." I panted and stood up straight, Zane eloped around until spotting his mothers car I'm pretty sure..
He led me over and let me in the back seat with him.
"I'm tired..." I muttered, leaning against Zane.
"I am too.."
"Than sleep." I insisted.
"You sleep." He mumbled.
"We'll both sleep.." I sighed closing my heavy eyes.
I sat next to the annoyed Zane in the circle.
Our, leader I guess? Was Jenny.
Zane was easily getting p^ssed, thank Irean I'm here.
"Let's introduce ourselves!" Jenny spoke up nervously.
(I personally hate Jenny with all my heart, I'm sorry)
I zoned out by then, and just stared at the fresh green grass.
My thoughts were broken when Zane harshly jabbed his elbow into my ribs.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"Your name." He muttered.
"O-oh...umm...uhh..." he knew my uncomfortable thought of sharing my name to others.
So he interjected.
"She doesn't wish to say."
"Wh-what? Whys that?" Jenny questioned.
"Don't question her." Zane snapped.
Now it was my turn to harshly jab him with my elbow in the ribs.
"Be nice." I muttered.
"Your welcome." He muttered back.
I smiled and rolled my eyes at him.
Then I zoned out again, I was pulled back into reality when, I was lifted off the ground.
"Huh!?! HEY!" I yelled unable to see who was holding me.
When I was placed gently on my feet I turned around and just saw Zane, bringing relief to me.
"Were doing some sort of meeting game." He grumbled.
I nodded, we talked a bit than moved on to the next person.
I got Aphmau.
"I'm Aphmau!" She said playfully.
"Right. Uhh... I don't wish to say my name." I mumbled.
"Why is that?" She questioned puzzled.
"I dunno.. self conscious I guess.." I muttered.
She nodded trying to strike up conversations but failing since I didn't really want to socialize.
When I heard arguing, I looked over to see Zane and.. I think Diana?
As if a force of habit, I made my way over there and started dragging Zane away from there.
"H-hey!" He growled.
"Don't pick meaningless fights Zane." I said glaring at Diana a bit.
"Fights aren't meaningless." He argued.
"Your fighting with me right now, what's the point of it?" I pointed out.
He seemed to have opened his mouth to speak and closed it, by the way his mask moved.
"That's what I thought." I said and wore a smug look.
He rolled his eye.
I still love him.
I had made my decision.
I would be going to that university.
So would Zane.
So, I'm now excited.
Hello new life.
Hello new friends.
Hello new pace.
Hello new school.
And Hello my one and only, Zane.
I smiled staring into the distant sunset with Zane by my side.
"Ready?" He mumbled, giving me a sideways looked.
I smiled and turned my head to the masked male.

This is the ending chapter!!! AHH! Thank you sooooo much for, everything! If you'd like to see the third book of this it will probably come out soon but an FC university one! If you would like to see them when there older, I have two books on that, the second one I'm still writing but coming to an end! If you did enjoy please tell me in the comments. Remember, STAY KAWAII -Pet~Senpai is out

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