Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.
Sleepily I opened my eyes to see Cyrus layed across my stomach sleeping.
I smiled at him and lightly got out of bed to take a shower.
I took my shower and changed into my uniform.
Still sleepy, but I felt wide awake..
I grabbed some bread and buttered it.
Sense my dad and mom broke the toaster...
I ate it grabbed my bag, slipped my shoes on and walked outside.
I saw three ware wolves walking on the sidewalk.
They were laughing, two boys and one
"Dottie look! It's a weenie!" A boy ware wolf said
"Hehe it is! Let's go eat it!" The girl cheered and soon the three were running to a weenie on a table.. I would've done dat too if I wasn't so tired.
I walked to Zanes house waiting for him to come out.
Soon the door opened to reveal Vylad.
"Hi.." I said.
"Oh.. it's you.. Y/n? Right?" He asked.
I nodded, "Zanes sick today so he won't be going to school." Vylad said and walked off.
I nodded again and sighed.
Alone today.
I mean, Aaron's at college.. Garroth is always with this 'girlfriend' he's been talking about and Eins off with Aphmau.
Guess I might have to socialize.
I sighed and trudged to school.
I pushed open the doors to the school, it was talkative and busy like always.
Sighing I opened my locker and crammed my stuff in there.
"Hey. Girl." Said a voice behind me.
I turned around to see a boy with brown hair.
"What...." I mumbled.
"Your going to join Shadow knights." The boy said.
"No." I said simply and walked away.
What weirdos...
I shivered and the bell rang. Greatttt.
I hit the volley ball across the net.
We were playing volley ball for gym.
I suck at sports so I'm surprised I'm not hurt yet.
And just as the thought acuerde the ball slammed into my face.
I fell backwards on to my back.
There were a few giggles and chuckles.
Definitely some whispers.
I sighed, a hand reached out to help me up.
Like usual I reject the hand and got up myself.
"You rejected m-my hand.." murmured the guy.
"Sorry, I just don't usually get help." I said shyly.
"Oh, that's ok!" The guy said.
I looked at him, he had greenish hair, kinda dark blue eyes and was a ware wolf.
I smiled at him, "I'm Daniel! Who are you?" He asked smiling at me, "I-I'm Y/n!" I replied.
"I like you tail and ears!" Daniel said, "Huh?" I said confused.
And then I felt my tail, "Oh! I didn't realize they were shown!" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"Heh, it's ok!" He smiled.
I smiled back, man.. he seems nice, "You wanna eat lunch with me and my friends today?"Daniel asked.
"S-Sure!" I said and smiled at him
"Ok we-" Daniel was cut off by me getting hit in the face AGAIN but this time with a base ball.. in the eye.
"OW!" I yelled holding my throbbing eye.
"Oh no! Are you ok?" Daniel asked kneeling beside me.
"IM SO SORRY!!" Yelled a girl.
She ran over to em freaking out, "I-I didn't mean to!!" The girl said.
"R-relax.. it's not like I'm not used to pain..." I mumbled at the end.
"What?" Daniel asked, "Nothing!" I said quickly.
"L-let's get you to the nurses!" The girl said pulling grabbing my arm and pulled my to my feet.
She lead me with Daniel to the nurses and I stayed there until next class.
I left with a black eye but.. two new friends.
After saying bye to Daniel, I walked to Zanes house to check on him.
I knocked on the door to reveal Zianna.
My hood shadowed my face so she wouldn't make a big deal about my eye.
"Oh Y/n! Zanes upstairs, he's sick as a dog.." Zianna sighed.
She's let me in and I walked upstairs, going into Zane's room.
I was greeted by coughing.
"Y-y/n!!" Zane said, he sounded all stuffed up.
"Hey Zuzu!" I said walking to him.
"Let me see your beautiful face!~" he flirted, i giggled, "nah, I like my shadowed face!" I said.
But he pulled down my hood seeing my black eye.
"Y/N! What happened?!" He asked grabbing my face like to look closer at my black eye.
"I got hit with a baseball, in the eye..." I mumbled, loud enough for him to here.
He pulled me into a hug.
People always think of Zane as an emo, could care less about anything guy.
But if they got to know him, he's really just a my little horse loving, cupcake eating, softy.
"Who did this?" He asked.
"Just a girl don't worry, it wasn't targeted at me.." I said.
He sighed and hugged me tighter.
"How you feelin?" I asked him
"Better now that your here." Zane said.
I giggled and let go of our hug, "I made a friend!" I chirped.
"I hope that friend doesn't take my place.." Zane said and frowned.
I blocked at him, "You idiot! Your stupid, lovable idiot!" I said and went back into another hug.
"No one can replace you!!" I said placing my head on his chest.
I climbed on to his bed and hugged him,
I don't care if he's sick.
I love him.
And I can't stop loving him.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed, sorry this was kinda short... ._. I'm lazy.
If you did enjoy, please leave a comment, go check out this amazing gurl! KikichanArtist if she makes me smile, she'll make you smile... LOGIC!!! XD remember STAY KAWAII-Pet~Senpai is out!

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