Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.
And then, I got a text.
I stared down at the notification and read who sent me a message. was Tom?
Tom- Star broke up with me 😭
You- you texted me for that? You never ever text or call me... your tough and older come on you can get over ONE breakup!

Tom- I'm heart broken... what should I do?!
You- eat ice cream.
Tom- fine. Fine, if you didn't want to help me you coulda just said so!
You- your the one that came to me and when there's sad moment I eat ice cream or cry it out!
Tom- thanks? Bye sis.
You- bye
I can't believe him! He never texts or calls to see how I'm doing! But.. he always heals my wounds...
I growled Irean  I love and hate him!
Quickly I run out the door my back back barley holding on to my shoulder.
"AHHH I SLEPT IN!" I yelled running towards school.
I saw two people talking in the middle of the side walk.
"MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!" I yelled charging at them.
They turned their heads to me and flinched when they saw me charging at them.
They quickly got out of the way and I ran past them.
Gatta get to school, gatta get to school!
I saw some people walking slowly on the side walk.
I growled, "COME ON MOVE IT PEOPLE I DONT HAVE ALL DAY!" I yelled they quickly jumped over to a lawn while I ran past.
I see it! I see school!
I mentally cheered and ran up to the huge building. Without hesitation I pushed open the door and ran inside frantically trying to run, walk, and look at classroom numbers
I stepped into my class room and the bell rang.
I walked over to my seat and sat down.
"Alright class today let's write about a fictional adventure! Your time starts... NOW!" My teacher said and went to her desk and started painting her nails.
I started writing about a peasant named Jack that lived in a village called Diamond village, it was called that because diamonds were found everywhere in the mines that the village had.
The lord there was manipulating and cruel! Her name was Lord Zankoku, one day while Jack the peasant was out harvesting the fruit on the mountain that was near by the village, Lord Zankoku got her hands on a powerful witch that came to visit, the lord locked the witch up in her dungeon demanding her to cast a spell so everyone would obey the lord. The witch did as told and everyone got put under the spell but Lord Zankoku and Jack.
So it was up to Jack to lift the spell. And then the bell rang.
I groaned, the story was just getting good!~
"Now now children you will finish up your stories next time, go to your next class." The teacher said.
I got up from my seat and walked to my next class, Math.
I quickly got up from my seat and walked to the cafeteria I saw that Zane want there, I shrugged it off and walked around to see if I could spot Blaze,Dottie,Rylan and Daniel.
Luckily I spotted Blaze.
He was peacefully eating his lunch, I walked over to him.
"Hi Blaze!~" I hummed and sat across from him.
"Oh, Hey Y/n!" He said and grinned.
I smiled at him and started eating the sandwich I packed.
(Oh my Irean I'm starving! This is making me hungry!)
"I can't wait for the Warewolf games!" Blaze said biting into his sandwich.
I giggled, "I'll make sure to watch you." I said taking a bit out of mine.
(I need a cookie... I'll be back my readers but it won't be any time at all for you! XD)
"So.. I've been meaning too ask one of my warewolf friends!" I started.
He looked at me curiously.
"Yeah?" He asked wanting em to continue.
"What's it to have your ears and tail out all the time?" I asked.
"Well... it's comfortable? I'm not sure, I guess it's just natural." He said.
I nodded making a mental note.
"I think I'm part mei'fwa.. I have the ears and tail but they only pop out at certain times!" I said.
"Hrmmm..." he said, tapping his chin with his finger.
"Try and pop them out!" Blaze said.
I nodded.
I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate, I pictured myself with cat ears and tail in my mind and I opened my eyes.
I felt around the top of my head.
No cat ears.
I swiped around behind me.
No tail.
I sighed.
"Oh well.." I said.
"Hmmmm..weird.. you should ask a mei'fwa!" He said.
I nodded, "Yeah, that's a good idea!" I said and grinned.
A mei'fwa.. hmmmmm!
I don't think I know a mei'fwa.
I looked alejan trying to spot one.
None!?!? What!?!
I usually see loads of mei'fwas!!!
"I'll go look around, ok?" I told Blaze.
He nodded and I was off to find a mei'fwa.
"Urgh.. I can't find a mei'fwa that isn't busy talking or running!" I muttered to myself.
Soon I bumped into someone.
I fell on my butt and looked up to see a boy with light blue hair.
His face was flustered, and he looked younger then me.
"S-sorry!" He said holding out his hand.
Like usual I reject help.
I got up and dusted my legs and skirt off.
He was taller then me by an inch, basically.
"I-I'm C-Casey.." Casey said holding out his hand for me to shake.
(I forget if Casey's name is spelt with a K or a C sorry if I did spell it wrong,correct me in the comments!!)
"Y/n." I said shaking his hand.
"Sorry I bumped into you!" He dose quickly.
"It's fine.l I, used to it by now.. I gatta go but cya around!" I said walking off.
He nodded and walked off to the direction I came from.
I spot in my tracts as I see a boy with orange hair and cat ears and tail!
I run up to him, "Hi there! I'm Y/n!" I said with a grin.
He hesitated but introduced himself, "Kai." He said.
We shook hands, "Would you like to eat with me this--" I was cut off by the bell ringing.
I growled under my breath. "Sorry I have to go." Kai said and walked off.
Maybe tomorrow.
I started heading to class.
I need to know why... why did I fly when I was pushed off the roof.. why did I have that dream... why am I like this?
Why did Zane lie to me?
To be continued...

Are you ok?Lets talk..~Zane x Reader PDH book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora