Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V.
I felt something hard on my back. I jumped up with a yelp to see my dad with a belt in his hand.
"GET UP! YOU NEED TO FIND A JOB!!" He yelled at me.
My lip quivered but I nodded. He left my room and I quickly got dressed, I had no school today, just a weekend..
I walked outside to see Ein.
"Hey." I said.
"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today." Ein said.
"Sorry can't." I said and walked off, hmm where to get a job.. I looked around places.. URGH! I sat on a bench no jobs open for hiring. I reached into my bag to get a piece of gum to out my anger on that. I reached in and felt paper. I took the crumpled piece of paper out and saw a phone number. Wait...
"You missy have some talent, take my card and give it a call if you want to make business with me." The music producer said, I nodded and stuffed the piece of paper in my bag.
My eyes widened. This could be perfect!" I quickly took out my phone and called Zane.
We then met at a cafe not to far down the block.
"So, I found the cell phone number to the producer that wanted to get my music on the radio! Should I call him?" I asked Zane.
Zane thought for a moment, "Sure go for it!" Zane said. I nodded and typed the number in and Called it.
"Hello?" Said a manly voice. "H-hi!" I said, "Wait.. your that girl from that prom I heard sing am I right?" The man asked.
"Yep I was wondering if I could get a job to sing?" I asked. "Sure ya can! Come down anytime at the studio, I'll text ya where it is, come there soon!" The man said.
"O-ok! Bye!" I said. He said bye and hung up.
I looked at Zane then hugged him, "Please come with me!" I pleaded, "hmm sure what could go wrong?" He said.
I walked in gripping on to Zanes hand, "Hello there!~" a woman called from the front desk.
"You must be who Mr.Woods was talking  about? Well then come along!" The woman said leading us to a comfy looking room. It had a couch a whole bunch of stuff for music editing I'm pretty sure and it had dat glass box with the microphone in it and the head phones. COOL~
"Ah! Miss.. uh..-" I interrupted him, "Y/n." I said.
"Miss Y/n, I'm so glad you came, if you'd like you can sing a sling that you already have, you can even do it with your friend here." Mr.Wood said gesturing to Zane.
I looked at him  and pleaded, he sighed, "Fiine." Zane said and we walked into that glass box. I flipped through some pages and found a song. We began to sing it,

When we finished the producer clapped for us. I smiled and we both stepped out of the box.
After talking a bit he's going to put this on the radio but I'll have a stage name so no one knows my real name, it goes for Zane too.
I left but I remembered I left my phone to I walked back in to hear music? Zane was singing, the producer wasn't even there, he was in the glass box singing.

Was he singing about me.
He stepped out and then realized I was there.
"I like you." I said and hugged him tightly.
He blushed hard and so did I.. he kissed me and soon we left WITH my phone if I may add.
I love the song he sang.. it's beautiful, "your song was beautiful!" I said and kissed his cheek.
He smiled brightly at me. "Th-thanks.." Zane said, "Was it about me?" I asked as we walked down the town, "M-maybe.." he said while nodding. I giggled and hugged him, "I love it!~" I said letting go.
We got some food I saw they had Pets favorite sushi there.. she'd get that right away. I smiled at the thought and ordered my food.
Zane walked me home. I kissed him on the cheek and went inside my house. Dad wasn't home just me and Cyrus. We watched a movie in my room until we passed out.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a comment, Go check out KikichanArtist she's amazing! Luv her books!~ my books are ok, so go check em out if ya want or if ya don't I'd look out for Gina cuz she has said that she'd stuff my books Down your throat. So.. watch out! And remember STAY KAWAII-Pet~Senpai is out!

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